A Second Chance Through Forgiveness

Thursday, September 3, 2020
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Listen while you read: "We Give Thee But Thine Own"1 (Lyrics)

Colossians 3:13 – Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (NIV)

A few months ago, I had a memorable encounter with a lady who taught me the value of second chances through her act of forgiveness.

I had just left a doctor's appointment and decided to pop into a shop that was adjacent to the doctor's office. When I am in public places, I always have headphones on, as I suffer from social anxiety and am particularly sensitive to noise. However, as I had removed my headphones for my doctor's appointment, I didn't think that it was worth donning them to make a quick purchase.

I was perusing some items on a shelf when an unexpectedly loud cry made me literally jump in the air. I clutched my chest and felt my heart beating a staccato rhythm underneath my ribcage.

I turned around slowly to discover the source of the noise: a mother was standing near me with a three-year-old girl in a stroller. The toddler was upset, which was evident through her loud cries and flailing limbs, complete with tightly clenched fists.

I felt sorry for the girl, as well as for her mother, who was visibly at a loss as to how to soothe her child. I fervently hoped that the lady hadn't noticed my involuntary reflex in response to her child's outburst. Unfortunately, she had.

"You don't need to behave so distastefully towards us!" she barked at me. "My goodness, she is only a child!"

I was so embarrassed. I turned to the lady and tried to explain my predicament, and how I felt no animosity towards her baby.

Oh, why didn't I just put on my headphones? I lamented inwardly.

Still offended, the lady stormed out of the shop. I felt just awful. I was about to look for the lady outside, when she suddenly reappeared.

"I apologize," she said gently, "I've had a hard day with my girl. I heard you when you said that you had health problems, and I felt sorry for you. I had to come back and tell you that."

"No, it is me who should apologize!" I exclaimed with relief. "Raising a child is hard, and I so admire you! I wanted to find you and tell you that!"

We spent the next thirty minutes talking, and I was grateful for the second chance that this lady offered me to make amends by forgiving me.

This experience was an important reminder for me that God forgave us for our sins through the blood sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. His gift of salvation is our second chance at eternal righteousness with our heavenly Father. Thank You, Lord!

Prayer: Merciful Father, thank You for forgiving us for our sins and offering us a second chance at eternal life through Your gift of salvation in Jesus. Help us to forgive others as You forgave us. Amen.

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About the author:

Madeline Kalu <madelinetwooney@gmail.com>
Bochum, Germany

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for sharing, Madeline.

    Good one Madeline. Thanks for sharing.

    Hi Madeline
    Thank goodness for a God of second chances!

    Thank you, Madeline, for sharing this instructive devotional with us. Blessings.

    Thank you for your testimony. You get the importance of forgiveness in focus for us.

    Dear Madeline,
    Thank you so much for sharing this experience. God bless you.

    So glad it all worked out, Madeline. God works in mysterious ways. Thanks for the reminder and blessings to you!

    Amen Madeline.
    Lovely devotional. Thanks for sharing.
    And may the Lord perfect all that concerns your health in Jesus name.

    Thank you for sharing your experience on forgiveness. If only that could happen more often, the world could be a whole lot better place.

    Thank you for sharing this Madeline, We can give thanks… that He is using your sharing to encourage Christ’s Body the church and that I can read your share.
    Wish I could meet you, but we will someday.

    Hello Madeline,
    Thank you for writing today’s devotional and relating a very good story about “forgiveness”. Our Lord is so good at overseeing our life situations and ready to forgive our misdeeds when we seek Him.
    Blessings to you for this thoughtful writing.

    Well hello my friend
    This is a good one, I too react to loud or sudden noises or movements where others do not. I end up scaring them with my reactions.
    sometimes I can get scared enough that I get pins and needs and the heart beating like crazy. One place this happens is at church, that static when they turn on the equipment, can be so loud. they say the humidity can cause that, so they usually will warn me when they go to turn it on.
    So, this was interesting to read about you having this.
    Praying all is well with you and Solomon and the Holy Spirit touches you in new ways!!!
    God bless.

    What an inspiring story.
    It also shows us how the Lord can use our mistakes and turn them into blessings.
    Thanks for sharing.

    What a beautiful story; so human and so true to every single one of us at some time or another. Forgiveness is truly basic to all of us as believers. We forgive because WE are forgiven. And thus, we have clean hearts and spirits open to what life brings us through our Heavenly Father. So glad to hear your voice today, Madeline.

    Hi Madeline, Thank You so much for your wonderful Devotional today. It really was inspiring and encouraging. We are so blessed in knowing that our heavenly Father is always there to receive our prayers asking for forgiveness. He is always there with open arms to welcome us back over and over again.
    (Ontario, Canada)

    Thank you for sharing.

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