Miracle Of Two Mothers

Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "The Birthday Of A King"1 (Lyrics)

Luke 1:41-42 – And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" (NKJV)

In a little town in north-eastern Pennsylvania, USA, my wife and I were expecting and preparing for the birth of our firstborn child, Joseph. One day in the fourth month of her pregnancy, Lori said, "The baby is active; go ahead and feel the movement." Anxiously, I pondered the wonderment of this new life; then, I reached and felt our unborn child kicking. To me, it was an astounding first-time experience.

I recalled this special event while contemplating the stories of Elizabeth and Mary. In the case of Elizabeth, the angel Gabriel had announced to her husband Zechariah:

Luke 1:13b-14 – Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. (NKJV)

But the story goes on to reveal Zechariah's doubt, as he and his wife were beyond childbearing years. Nevertheless, the Lord brought this miracle to pass. Six months later, the same angel told a virgin named Mary — Elizabeth's relative — that she would be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and bear the Son of God.

Observe how both stories are interwoven by the Spirit of God. There are two different settings; one in Nazareth of Galilee and the other on a hillside town in Judea. There are two different timelines — six months apart. And the two mothers have different testimonies, which serve to establish the foundation and validation of the virgin birth.

When Mary arrived at Elizabeth's house, something else extraordinary happened. We know that Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit from the time Jesus was conceived. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit the moment Mary's greeting reached her ears, causing the babe in her womb to leap for joy. I perceive a miraculous connection here when the fetus John met the fetus Jesus — the Saviour, Christ the Messiah, Could this incident be the first Spirit-filled praise service? Something to ponder!

Advent is a time of hope and expectancy. In biblical times, the people were waiting for the coming of the promised Messiah. Now we are anticipating His second coming at the end of this world. The God of the universe performs miracles that surpass the laws of nature and chance. The Lord does bring situations beyond imagination to fruition. Scripture cites many miraculous examples for us to glean. So when circumstances in your life seem impossible, there is hope through faith, prayer, supplication, and righteousness.

Philippians 4:6,13,19 – Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. (NLT)

Luke 1:37 – For with God nothing shall be impossible. (KJV)

Prayer: Heavenly Father, as we anticipate the celebration of Your Son's birth, we are reminded of the miracles that You performed. Help us to be obedient to Your Word, and by faith, to claim miracles to be accomplished in our lives, if it be Your will through Your gracious hand. Also, give us peace while we expectantly await a future hope: reigning with You forever and ever. In our Saviour Jesus' precious name, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Lou Ciccanti <breadoflife@mchsi.com>
Ocean View, Delaware, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    A good word Lou.

    Thanks so much for fresh insights into the two special births.

    Thanks for a good word to ponder today Lou, well done.

    Lovely, Lou. Thank you.
    May the Blessings of Christmas be with you and your loved ones.

    Thank you Lou for sharing these thoughts with us. The two women, Mary and Elizabeth and the two babes are parts of the Nativity story that I love hearing over and over. Thanks again. Blessings.

    Another Advent time reading to thank God for all He has done through Christ Jesus, “Of the Father’s love begotten.”
    Praying faithfully about everything in our lives and in the lives far and near. Loved Philippians 4:6, 13, 19.
    Have a blessed Christmas at Lou’s and Lori’s home!

    Hi Lou,
    In the children’s Sunday School at our small church this past Sunday we dealt with these two “announcements.” Interestingly, there were NO comments about virgin births…just nothing. We wondered, of course, if the lack of reaction was because of today’s unwed mother situations or no curiosity or just didn’t hear. This Sunday coming we will review these announcements…wonder if there will be any different reaction.
    Thanks for your continuing thought-provoking devotionals.

    Thank you Lou. This has always been one of my favorite stories and you have said it so well. I look forward to reading more of your devotionals.

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