
Monday, November 26, 2007
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Revelation 22:13 – I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (NIV)

One day, when we all get to heaven, we're going to meet people from the past, as well as the future, because in eternity, past, present, and future come together. Some people may come up to us and say, "Thank you." They will be perfect strangers, perhaps even from different lands or races. We will wonder why they are thanking us, and then they will say something like, "Because of your faith, you helped my teacher, my grandmother, or my pastor come to Jesus. They helped me to do the same, so your faith became my faith."

We'll also want to do the same, to talk to people in the past and thank them for their faith, which inspired our parents, our friends, or our preachers, who in turn helped us to come to Jesus. We will see a line of people that goes all the way back to the first disciples of Christ, and all the way forward to the last Christians in the universe. It will be a wonderful moment, when we realize that we are all part of a long chain of faith, which, literally, goes on forever.

Let us share our faith with someone else today, whether it's with family or friends, colleagues, or even strangers. Who knows what connections we will make, or how many people across eternity will be inspired by our faith sharing. It's a beautiful thought, and one that should inspire all of us to do what we can each day to bring someone else closer to Jesus.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You call us to be missionaries, as well as disciples. You want us to give away our faith and connect with other people in ways that will inspire, attract, and encourage them to come closer to You. Enable us to use this day as a God-given opportunity to share our faith in You. Amen.

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About the author:

John Stuart <>
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

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