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Zephaniah 3:17 – The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. (ESV)
As I write this on August 14, 2023, it is our thirtieth wedding anniversary. Caroline has posted on Facebook a picture of us on our wedding day. Oh, how young we looked then! It has made me reflect upon our journey together over time.
So many things have happened to us, and we have battled through them together. Up hill and down dale, we have managed to keep a roof over our heads, and our heads above water, both in this world and in God's kingdom. It has not been a stroll in the park, but still, our love remains. Even more amazing is God's love for us.
Today, we presented each other with gifts and then carried on with the day, as the children do their own thing, oblivious to our link. They are our greatest gift.
Back in the past, I bought a mug for Caroline and still it survives — no small feat. It is covered with little hearts of differing reds. There also used to be shiny gold hearts on the mug, but the years of washing with detergent have removed them, much like the years have done in taking the shine off our younger selves.
Over the thirty-three years since we first met, God has influenced our lives for the better, and I am mindful that we are not who we would have been in life if it were not for Jesus. He is the constant in our relationship. He sustains us through the times when we want to give up, or want to have the last word, or when we get our own back in revenge, and then He reminds us to moderate our extremes in the tendency to rush on ahead. In removing the shine, He grants the patience needed to ride the wave and prompts our humility to know and admit it — eventually — when we get it wrong. Still our devoted hearts cover over a multitude of failures.
What remains is a testimony to the constancy of Jesus with us. Even when we were not aware of it, Jesus stuck with us, not put off by our not hearing, or blowing hot or cold. His grace and love are there when we get mired in the world. His faithful love remains.
So, as Caroline and I celebrate, let all of us together rejoice and remember what God has done for each one of us, what He is doing, and is yet to do, because He is in the business of redemption through His unfailing love shown on the cross.
Let us call out to Him in faith, for He can be found. Even when we do not feel like it, Jesus is already there with us in reconciliation.
2 Timothy 2:13 – If we are faithless, he remains faithful — for he cannot deny himself. (ESV)
Prayer: Lord, thank You for always being there for us. Thank You that nothing and no one is beyond Your capacity to redeem. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
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Congratulations Rod.
Thank you for your encouraging message.
Happy Anniversary, Rod, and thanks for the wise words.
Very good reminder that God is always with us. Happy Anniversary!
Thank you, Rod, for this sweet testimony and example of God’s faithfulness.
Rod and Caroline – 30 years together with the Lord is truly a milestone worthy of celebration.
Thank you for sharing this encouraging devotional with us. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Blessings.
Dear Ron,
Happy belated Anniversary to you both!
Warmest best wishes.
Congratulations, Rod, and Caroline.
This is a nice story and gives us something to think about and live by. Thank you.
Congratulations! and belated happy anniversary. We celebrated our 54th this year and I can testify to everything you have said. God is good. We are blessed. Take care.
Approaching our 59th.Wedding Anniversary. Your devotional give us the straight to continue our lovely journey of Faith. May God bless both of you. Have a great day.
Thank you, Rod, for the very meaningful devotional today. Anyone who has been married for a while and trusts in the grace of Christ will say a loud “Amen”!
Happy Anniversary
Thank you for all your words of wisdom and one of my many favorite verses.
Keep on writing.
I’m believing the last part “nothing and nobody” as I bring my dear family before God, and His advocate, Jesus!
Bless you Rod.
Thank you for your continued devotions.
Also belated Anniversary wishes to you both.
Dear Rod, Thank you for your anniversary story. If only all the young couples could enjoy the faith as you both have. So many give up so soon after marriage. They don’t depend on the Saviour for help. I wish you many more happy years together.
Good morning, Rod,
Thank the Lord for being with us at all times.
Good words this morning Rod,
May God’s blessings be upon you.
To Rod and Caroline,
All your readers will be wanting to send you warmest congratulations on your anniversary. Thank you so much for this inspiring and heart-warming devotional and all your devotionals which are much appreciated.
Happy Anniversary
I agree with you…how faithful God is and how He helps us through everything. I ask God that question with so much gratitude, Where would I be without You, God?
Have a blessed day.
Happy (belated) 30th Wedding Anniversary Rod and Caroline. The Good Lord is definitely with you.
All the best to you both and your dear children.
May God richly bless you all.
(Ontario, Canada)
Belated Anniversary greetings to you and Caroline Rod and many more in the time ahead. Yes, we must be so thankful to Jesus for the love and guidance He provides us each moment in our lives. We may have some rough patches to deal with but when our faith remains strong, He is there to carry us through it. Blessings for your encouraging writings.
WELL, Rod, best wishes to you and Caroline and hopefully the trip you are taking will continue for many more years. My husband and I just celebrated 63 years of marriage…who would have thought???? When our oldest turned 60, I thought “WOW!” All through these years Jesus has remained our constant…thank goodness and thank God for his son.
My husband and I quietly celebrated 53 years a week ago!!
Our story is similar to yours – some ups and downs but constant support and love.
I feel blessed as I’m sure you do, too.
Hello Rod,
Thank you so much for today’s devotional. My wife and I just celebrated our 52nd anniversary and so much of what you shared we could relate to, right down to the faded “I Love You” mug. It too has stood the “test of time.” Life truly can be tough at times, but God is faithful. Thank you so much for reminding us of that this morning. Blessings to you and Caroline.
To Caroline and Rod, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
That you may celebrate many more in good health and keeping Jesus close to your hearts and in your midst.
Say a prayer for us when we celebrate our 70th anniversary in September.
Thank you very much for writing so faithfully and lifting up our hearts.
Many Blessings,
Good day from Texas!
As I read your devotional message this morning, I wanted to congratulate you both for not giving up on each other and not giving up on the Lord.
For us, today marks our 57th year together. My wife came to America at age 2, with her mother and baby brother, to Texas to join her Dad who had been in the Army.
We lived about 5 miles from each other, went to the same high school, but never met until we worked one summer at the same store.
I can’t remember when we subscribed to Daily Devotionals, but it was quite some time ago, and we are always encouraged by your articles and many other regular contributors. Thank you for giving your time and talents to glorify the Lord!
Happy Anniversary Rod to you and your beloved of 30 years. I wish you both many more ahead.
God brought my late husband and I through 54 years of many challenges in our marriage. We had many twists and turns, ups and downs like everyone else in these relationships. The day I lost my husband was an Easter Sunday many years ago, and I know that without his loving arms around me and the loving presence of our church minister that Easter Sunday, I would not have sat as calmly as I did in the hospital room as he lay in a coma.
Continue to love and nurture each other in the years ahead, and I pray you have many more. It is a lonely road when you lose your partner. It would be even lonelier for me if I did not have my Saviour to turn to in all the challenges of being a widow. As I approach 90, I am blessed that I know that He is the one constant I can count on.
I have been reassured when I clearly heard his voice during one of my very tough times. I clearly heard him say “Behold I will never leave you nor forsake you”. What blessed assurance it has been throughout my widowhood, I know without those words I would have given up a long time ago. I pray that you will continue to walk with him through all the challenges you may still have to face.
Many congratulations and blessings for this beautiful reminder.
Thank you for your sharing, and the testimony of how God gives us grace and assures us that His love endures. By God’s grace and provision through the years we celebrated our 69 Anniversary and my wife’s 90th birthday. Keep on praising the Lord and challenging us to count our blessings.