A "No smoking, except in designated areas" sign catches my eye, as I look around the waiting room of the car dealership. I have finally brought my car in for a lube, oil, and filter change. This is a recommended service that keeps my car running smoothly.
The old, black oil is drained and new oil is replaced. Old parts are lubricated and a new filter is installed, enabling the car to "breathe" better.
Just like a car, we, too, need frequent spiritual "tune-ups" in order that we can inhale and breathe fresh new air, as we face our daily tasks in life. The old oil (sin) was washed and cleansed from our bodies when Jesus died on the cross for us. The new oil (the Holy Spirit) replaces it, as a free gift, helping us and directing us daily. The new filter is the new creation in us, growing daily, replacing the old "you".
2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away, behold, new things have come. (NASB)
Tune-ups come in many shapes and forms. Praying, reading our Bible, attending church, meeting a friend, or helping someone in need, may be an opportunity for a tune-up that is needed in order to help us run more smoothly.
My car is finally ready for another 5,000 kilometres before I make another appointment. Today, let us make an appointment with our Lord and receive the "tune up" that we need, when we study His word and spend time with Him.
Prayer: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Amen.
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