
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "I Am Trusting Thee Lord Jesus"1 (Lyrics)

Genesis 3:19 – In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. (KJV)

Logging and lumber trucks travelling the roadways of my dad's sawmill camp stirred clouds of dust that settled within our humble cabin. My job as a child was to dust our rooms daily, and I was mesmerized at times while watching flecks in a ray of sun streaming through the living room window. The microscopic-sized pieces of dirt floated downward and drifted sideways with the movement of a gentle air current. The importance of dust is infinitesimal at first glance, but through the illumination of the gospel, we see that God used it as one of His unlimited tools.

One way that God used dust was to represent life and death in creation. Scripture tells us that from dust, He formed Adam, who represented humanity; and then to dust, Adam returned. For those of us whose chores include the job of dusting, we may think of the thin, light film as simply a nuisance. However, our minds can be changed as we view the substance through the eyes of God's plan and purpose.

I believe that a most precious and meaningful dust was that on Jesus' feet as He laboured to carry His cross to Calvary, where He died for our sins. The blood-caked dirt on His body was caused by the thorn crown and the beating that He received. As it dried and disintegrated, particles of the stained dust fell into the breeze to scatter throughout the world onto the feet of apostles, missionaries, and other disciples, while they walked dry, dusty roads to share the gospel of Jesus Christ as an offer of salvation for the sins of the world.

Jesus was both God and man. He lived a perfect life and then died a physical death, to be raised in glory. Because of Him, when believers die, our dust returns to earth, while our spirits are bound for glory, to live with Him forever. If you have not yet chosen Christ as your Saviour, choose Him now, for time is fleeting.

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, help us to continuously remember Christ's sacrifice for our salvation as we travel dusty roads to share Him with others, while keeping in mind the price that He paid on Calvary. Amen.

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About the author:

Karen Milam <karenbmilam@gmail.com>
Penn Valley, California, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for sharing, Karen.

    Karen, your devotional submission lifted my spirits today. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

    Thanks, Karen, for a simple but deeply meaningful devotional today from your heart. Well done.

    Good food for thought next time I’m dusting.
    Enjoying summer? We are very hot this week. Keep safe.

    Thanks Karen
    Good analogy to get me thinking today

    Great analogy, Karen. I will never think of dusting in the same light ever again.
    Thank you.

    Amen. Very interesting and well-done Karen. Thanks for giving me a new perspective on dust, something we have a lot of here.

    Greetings Karen,
    Many thanks for another of your very interesting and meaningful writings.

    Good morning Karen
    Thank you for your devotional. I never thought of the dust on the feet of Jesus before, meaningful.
    Have a blessed day.

    I will look at the dust differently after reading your devotional. They are repairing the road in front of our home for the last few months so there has been lots of dust inside and outside. I never thought about it in this way before. Thank you for a new perspective on something that is in the air all of the time but really shows up when the light shines through it. May you continue to inspire us with your points of view. Blessings.

    Thanks, Karen – challenging images!
    Bless you today and always in your ministry with those who surround you!

    Love this, Karen. Don’t think I will look at dust in the same way ever again.
    (QC, CANADA)

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