Bride In White – That's Right

Friday, February 14, 2014
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Listen while you read: "Be Still My Soul"1 (Lyrics)

Ephesians 5:25,27 – Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. (NJKV)

The last time I looked for a wedding dress was in 1970. I was 19, the dress was pink, and the wedding was at city hall. I was a typical sixties-thinking, cute gal, and a white dress didn't have much meaning for me then. But this wedding would be different. For one thing, at 63, I was far less cute. For another, I had been scooped up by the heavenly Bridegroom at 27. So, although I had lost a husband to a blonde, the wedding gown would be white, since a modest, white gown is a biblical reflection of the purity of the Bride of Christ. I had waited twenty-four years for this groom – a godly man. Now He had provided an earthly groom for me, one of His best men, Allan Smith.

So there I was, a grandmother at a wedding gown boutique, with all the young cuties, trying on dresses. The first thing that I noticed was that all the wedding gowns were strapless and revealing. Gone was the notion that a bride was to look chaste and modest in a white gown denoting purity. One of the most meaningful comparisons in the Bible is that of Christ as the Bridegroom and His church as the pure bride. Being mindful of this, I knew that the gowns that I was seeing would not fit that comparison! Against all odds, I finally discovered a beautiful dress that was strapless but not revealing! A trip to another bridal boutique provided the modest lace jacket overlay. I knew that in this dress, I could feel like a Christ-following woman walking down the aisle to meet my bridegroom.

With the wedding just days away, I arrived with great excitement at the wedding boutique to pick up my dress. The gown was beautiful, and my heart was full of thanksgiving that God should grant me such joy at this time of life. Surely goodness and mercy had followed me. (Psalm 23) As I tried on my gown, the woman in the next change room began to talk to me. I could tell by her voice that she wasn't love's young dream either. I asked her if she was the mother of the bride or the bride. "The bride!" she said, sounding as excited as I was. Her name was Joanne. "Well I'm a 63-year-old bride," I responded. She told me that she was a 60-year-old bride. Stepping out of the change rooms we shared our romantic stories as if we had been friends for years. Both Joanne and I were to be married on the coming Saturday. What an unexpected kinship I felt towards her. I told her that I had found it difficult to find a modest gown. She shared that in her church it was important that a bride dress modestly. I shared that the Bride of Christ depicted in Scripture is pure, without spot or wrinkle, and that I wanted to honour that comparison with my wedding gown. She seemed really moved by these words. We shared a meaningful embrace and blessed each other as believers.

Whether we serve the Lord Jesus as married or single (which I did joyfully for many years), may we keep our souls dressed in the inner bridal gown, white and pure, until we go to meet our eternal Bridegroom.

Isaiah 61:10 – I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. (NKJV)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, enable Your church to walk through the world as Your chaste bride, with our lamps trimmed and our garments spotless, ready to meet You. We long to be with You as Your bride, dressed in our pure and modest white garments of salvation and righteousness. Amen.

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About the author:

Linda Smith <>
Innisfil, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Thanks for a good word Linda.

    Lovely message, Linda. Thank you for sharing,

    What a wonderful, pure, and heartwarming story! Thank you.

    Thanks Linda for your devotional. Tomorrow, we will celebrate with our family our anniversary.
    In my experience I have had the awesome life with a gentle man that God has been chosen for me — and me for him. How blessed am I.

    Good Morning, Linda,
    Thanks so much for a very thought provoking message this morning. I will pray that many of the young brides out there will read it and I will later send it on to my grandkids.
    May God continue to bless you and Allan as you serve Him together.
    With rejoicing in His presence.

    Hi Linda:
    I enjoyed your romantic story on this Saint Valentine’s Day. Like you, I lost my husband to a younger woman with no children. I guess he thought it was better. This was many years ago.
    Again, like you I am a grandmother and I have met a Christian man through Christian Mingle. We have met for lunch and he seems really nice. I’m not saying that it will lead to the alter, but certainly to a good friendship.
    Congratulations on your. I hope you find the happiness and joy that you deserve.

    When my granddaughter was married several years ago she wore a lovely modest white gown. They had a garden wedding. She and her fiancé decided not to spend a lot of money. Her father gave her away and her young niece sprinkled flower petals on the way. The only flowers were those in the garden and a few on the tables. There was a simple meal followed by a reception for all l their friends, colleagues and relatives. They are good to each other and children. May God’s loving presence be real to them all.

    Dear Linda: I see another meaning in this Ephesians 5:25,27 – “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”(NJKV). The husband is being taught to love his wife. What will he wear at the wedding and daily all the rest of his life? Will his attitudes and conversation be holy? What example will both be to their extended family and neighborhood? 70 years ago I sewed my own modest beautiful satin white wedding gown. Let us be holy and without blemish all the days of our lives through Christ our Master and Lord.

    Thanks for the well said words of this devotional, and the reminder of our position as believers-waiting on THAT day.
    Hopefully, today as we observe Valentine’s Day in large and small ways…reminding ourselves of those who have become our earthly love. We are so grateful of our place with God through Jesus Christ. He is our beloved Saviour, who has promised us a heavenly home if we believe. John 3:16 would be on my valentines, if I made them, as people did a century ago. “For God so loved…..” that He gave His ONE AND ONLY SON”, the Living Word — that by a walk beside Him — allowing Him to lead me right to God’s open arms, and daily to His promises through the Word, I can know LOVE like no other.
    No love on earth is so special and empowering, BUT I do say “thank you, dear God, that you have given me love that gives me understanding of the word, and someone to make earthly love enfold, surround and make me feel special… ”
    Praise God on this VALENTINE day in 2014.

    Linda, that was a truly precious story! Thanks so much for writing it and may our Great God Bless You abundantly and I so look forward to meeting you in Heaven.

    Thanks Linda for sharing your genuine love story.
    Today I met another Bride if Christ, a lady sitting in a doorway with a cup before her containing a few coins. She was misty eyed as she glanced at me as I passed.
    Turning back I asked her how she was, and she said okay. I looked more closely and saw the tears glistening in her eyes.
    I asked her if she knew Jesus, and she replied that she did, and quoted from Jeremiah as a verse that gave her comfort. Then I asked her if she knew that Jesus loved her, and she said she did. I told her that I also loved her and saw her like Jesus as a beautiful girl.
    She teared up as I gave her the banknote that I had intended to give to the church that I was shortly visiting. She allowed me to kiss her forehead and to pray over her.
    She then prayed a blessing over me, which touched me deeply. What a loving God we serve. Thank you Father for introducing me to one of your saints.
    Many Blessings.

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