Dogging Jesus' Heels

Friday, April 19, 2013
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "Praise Him All Ye Little Children"1 (Lyrics)

Luke 15:6b – Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep. (NIV)

John 10:27 – My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (NIV)

This past February, my son and I drove to Ohio to adopt a new "furever" friend. Elliot is a "Velcro" critter who gives new meaning to the phrase "dogging my heels". Everywhere I go, and I mean everywhere, he is right at my heels, often with his nose against my hand, nudging to be petted. Because he still remembers what being a lost, starving, and wandering dog was like, he suffers from separation anxiety. He feels safe only when he can see his other "pack" members, his family, and be right beside them. Thus he dogs my heels.

Like my dog Elliot, we used to barely survive as we lived by our wits. Wandering off and doing our own thing left us emotionally desolate, and spiritually starved. We needed a rescuer. We needed Christ Jesus, who came to seek those who had wandered away. We needed the Good Shepherd to find us.

We not only needed to be rescued from our former life, but we also needed to follow closely at our Shepherd's heels so that we could feel and be safe. As we began to listen intently for Jesus' voice speaking to us through Scriptures that instructed us in the best possible way we could live and then followed Jesus' teaching closely, we discovered that we could feel secure because we knew we had been rescued.

As with Elliot, who needs to stay close to his "pack", we need our own "pack", which is our church family. If you will allow the analogy, we can "dog the heels" of our Saviour by reading the Bible, being active in our church, serving the needs of others, and at the same time, find security through belonging to the tangible family of God.

Prayer: Good Shepherd, put the desire within us to "dog Your heels" by reading Your Word. Compel us to follow You closely by sticking with Your church family, for we pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

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About the author:

Cassandra Wessel <>
Tionesta, Pennsylvania, USA

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Doggone good word Cass, lol.

    Dear Cassandra: Thank you form today’s Devotional.

    I love this one, Cass. We’ve talked a lot lately in church about the need for church family. Perfect analogy.

    Great analogy. Wonderful message.

    Good message, Cass.
    Methinks, Elliott, loves you dearly and without reserve. We definitely need to be the same, with our devotion to God and Jesus.

    Thank you for your devotional this morning. The truth of which you speak needs to remind us of the fact that Jesus goes after the one lost sheep not the 99 who complain and draw attention to the fact that no one cares.

    I am going to share this.
    Thanks & God speed,

    Dear Sandy,
    That’s a big: amen sister.
    Good analogy.

    HI Cassandra,
    With many years of voluntary work for our local S.P.C.A. shelter the term dogging our heels is well known in our home where many strays have been lodged until they could be found homes for. We live, eat and sleep dogs. Your analogy was very well received.

    Dear Cass
    I was touched by your story. Thanks to you and your son, another rescue dog now has a good home. It’s amazing the spiritual lessons we can learn from animals, especially our pets. In particular, your message brought to mind the faith and humility of the Syrophencian woman in Mark 7:24-30. Thank you for sharing this experience – it provides a lot of good illustrations and food for thought.

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