Psalm 98:1-3 – Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvellous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him. The Lord has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations. He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to the house of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. (NIV)

I look back to Christmas 2000 and then forward to Easter. The story of a person I met some years ago and have come know fairly well fills my mind. One night, C's father missed the bus from the capital city to his hometown, about 100 kilometres away. Having to spend the night at the bus station, the father somehow obtained a discarded newspaper and used it as a "pillow". The following morning, the father took the newspaper back to his home with him. C read the paper, and came across a short gospel message. In haste, C travelled to the capital city to ask at an assembly there what this Jesus was about. Thus he came to believe on the Lord. C went home and told the story. First his family believed, and then neighbours and other people. With numbers growing, C asked the elders of the assembly in the capital to help him plant a church in his home town. Today, C is the senior elder of a thriving assembly of new believers. C is 22 years old.

The anonymous author of Psalm 98 anticipated the coming of God to rule His people. Jesus fulfilled this prophecy when He came and died to save all people from their sins. Today, we await the Second Coming of our Lord. One of the most wonderful things that God has done for me in my life is that He has enabled me to visit so many places that I can literally say I have travelled to "the ends of the earth". All over the world, I have seen God reveal Himself and gather in His people in so many different and awesome ways.

Prayer: Lord God, we thank You that You are the God of grace, that You speak to us and give us what we do not deserve. We praise You for Your promise to save and to come again. May we be living stones in Your kingdom. Thank You for the opportunity to see and feel You at work in our lives and in the world around us. Amen.

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About the author:

Kinlay Witana
Columbo, Sri Lanka

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