The Spider

Friday, March 14, 2008
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Luke 4:18-19 – The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour. (ESV)

I went into the bathroom, and as I turned on the bath taps, a small spider which was stuck inside the bath came into view. It had obviously given up any attempt to get out of the bath with its sheer sides. Escape must have seemed impossible, because it sat there forlorn, doing nothing, and waiting for what happened next. I decided to save the creature from the deluge.

I leaned over and gently lifted up this minor offender out of the bath. Then I blew it from my fingertip into the upstairs landing with all its available hiding places.

As I stood to congratulate myself in doing the deed, a light went on in the back of my consciousness: this was reminiscent of how Jesus has saved me. He reached into my hopeless situation and plucked me out of it, and, blowing me where His Holy Spirit willed, granted me new hope, even new life.

It was as if I were reminded that Jesus is watching my progress, and if needs be, He will bring His influence to bear. I thought, how great it is to be reminded: Jesus loves even little me!

He Who is for us is faithful.

Let me say for balance that He will not always take us out of situations that seem impossible, because they only "seem" impossible, there and then. Sometimes, we have to journey through life's little shortcomings, and death, but at the end of our piece of rope, we cry, "Jesus, Hellllp!" and He is there with us. Praise God! I have known it and seen it.

Sometimes, we do not even need to do that, because God loves those intercessors who have hearts for grace, love, justice, suffering, and the lost, and He will guide them.

For whom should we pray today?

Prayer: Lord, You are worthy of all praise and glory! We come into Your presence, humbly asking that we might be set free from our sin once again, by Your grace and mercy. Grant us wisdom to comprehend the prayers You want to be prayed today, so that in the name of Jesus, Your loved ones will be empowered, encouraged, saved, healed, restored, protected, and delivered from evil, to the glory of the Father. Overshadow them and us with Your Holy Spirit and with Your peace and love today. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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About the author:

Rod Marshall <>
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

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