Thunder And Lightning

Friday, September 18, 2020
Listen to this devotional:
Listen while you read: "I've Found A Friend O Such A Friend"1 (Lyrics)

I believe that I was eight years old and that it was 1956 when a severe storm came upon our small town of Fenwick, Ontario, Canada. Just past our house, we had a greenhouse, then a workshop, and then another greenhouse. My dad was in the workshop area when the thunder and lightning came all around us.

The phone rang, and when dad answered it, he was knocked to the ground by the electrical surge through the phone lines caused by the lightning. Dad said that he lay there a short time, and when he got up and tried to put the phone back on the hook, he got another powerful jolt which threw him backwards and knocked him to the ground again.

I remember mom telling us to sit on the couch and stay away from the windows. As I huddled on the couch with my older sister and brother, I remember crying and being so scared. Meanwhile, mom kept looking out the window worrying why my dad had not come to the house, when suddenly, she saw my dad crawling on his hands and knees towards the house. Mom yelled instructions to my older sister to keep us all on the couch, and she ran to help my dad get into the house. I remember my dad lying on the kitchen floor and some volunteer fire fighters being there helping my dad. I worried that he might die, but he recovered.

Job 37:3-4a – He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth. After that comes the sound of his roar; he thunders with his majestic voice. (NIV)

When I was married with two wonderful girls, and we would get a storm in the middle of the night, I would get out of bed and get dressed in case lightning struck our house, so that I was ready to get everybody into the car if necessary.

All those years ago, I don't remember praying, but now, I have no problem, as I have learned to pray in all circumstances, for all things, and for all people. Yes, I had a fear of the power of the storm. Now, with the Lord in my life, I realize that I can seek comfort by counting on His protection for now and eternity.

Job 37:5 – God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. (NIV)

Let none be afraid to go to the Lord when a storm is coming and is all around, either physically or spiritually. Let us seek the Lord when we are having troubling times in life. Let us not sit on the couch and do nothing! Instead, let us turn to prayer, and ask God for help.

Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, when the storms of life are all around us, give us strength and protect us. May we turn to You and seek You in prayer. Amen.

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About the author:

Larry Fisher <>
Wainfleet, Ontario, Canada

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1 Comment

  • PresbyCan Feedback says:

    Amen Larry!

    Good advice, Larry.

    Thanks, Larry. Wise counsel!

    Great story and advice, Larry! God bless!

    Was inspired by your devotion. Thank you.

    Wow, Larry! Thanks for sharing an unforgettable personal story that speaks to my heart today. Well said and helpful!

    What a terrifying experience during your childhood. God knows the lessons he wants to teach through each of these events. Thank you for sharing yours.

    Hi Larry,
    Wow, I felt as though I was right with you during that childhood storm. Thank you for sharing this powerful devotional.

    Hi Larry,
    A beautiful devotional about seeking God’s protection and promises during a storm. Let us always find comfort under the pinions of His wings!

    Thank you, Larry, for sharing this from your past and present. It is a picture I can see in my own memory, and such a good back drop for your admonition!
    Blessings and peace,

    Hello Larry,
    Thanks for this devotional today. A good reminder that our Lord is ever on duty and awaiting our call on Him at any time. His love and care of us in any situation is unending.
    Blessings for writing.

    Dear Larry,
    Thanks for sharing this devotional with us today! Great reminder where our Help is from and to remember to pray to Him when the ‘storm approaches’ OR when we’re ‘in the midst of it’!

    Thanks for this Larry. I have found there has been a great increase both in the frequency and the intensity of my praying.
    A group of us at the church I go to were fortunate to attend a 7-week course on prayer just before this happened. (Looking back, I see God’s hand in that!)
    Through that, an email prayer group was formed, and our Coordinator of Care circulates the prayer needs to us each week.
    Thanks for the dramatic story about your Dad, he really was looked after!
    Blessings on you and yours, may God keep you all safe!

    When I was a kid if a storm even if it was pending at bedtime our Dad would not let us get dressed we could lie down but he did not go to bed until storm passed when he was 25 he was helping at a barn fire where horses died he learned you had to have something to cover the horses eyes as like young children their stall is home safe place. Cattle just want to be let loose. So, he said nothing worse than crying of horses dying.
    Another time flames shot out of the mouthpiece of phone. So I guess it really is something to watch for although I do not think phones today are so dangerous.

    Power comes in many forms.
    It can flatten you or, like the Lord’s power, strengthen you.
    We can choose which.

    You sharing your true story, one of them, has really helped and encouraged me today. I want to Thank you and keep going! May all the Praise and Glory and Honor be to our God King, all-encompassing Love, Three in One!!!
    In Jesus Name I pray we all keep going till we reach “the heavenly shores”. Amen

    Thanks for your article Larry. Even as an adult I am still afraid of thunder and lightning. In fact, last week when we had that storm my adult son said… “Mom , how can you still be afraid of a storm?” … But I am… I pray during the storms as you said, but … still afraid.
    Good Writing.
    Hi Larry,
    Thank you for your devotional. Lightning is definitely powerful, but I have never been afraid of lightning or thunder. I have a healthy respect for lightning as I know its power, but I grew up with an entirely different story to yours.
    My grandfather had been blinded in the coal mines in England. He was blind for 3 years but one day there was a storm. It isn’t clear whether he was struck by lightning or if it reflected around the room, but he was knocked to the ground. When he opened his eyes, he said he could see again.
    He later brought his family to Canada and his vision was fine from the time he was struck by lightning till he died over 50 years later.
    I have seen through my grandfather that lightning can also be a blessing. Its power can be destructive, but it can also have positive effects.
    Thank you for sharing.

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