I've never been seasick. But recently, I think I can relate. I am reminded of two experiences. The first is when I stood before an impressive and dramatic life-sized display at a museum in Astoria, Oregon, USA. It is of a US Coast Guard … Read more
Author Archive
Extravagant Dimensions
Riding in the back seat, our two small boys were excited as we neared Redwood National Park in California, USA. We told them that we would soon see very old giant trees. As we got out of the car and walked to one of the ancient Sequoias, … Read more
Folding The Linen
How many times have I done weekly laundry in my 60 years of married life? I've lost count. And yet the need still arises for me to continue. It is not hard with the modern convenience of washers and dryers, but the repetitive nature of … Read more
Showing Love In Surprising Ways
Long ago, my husband, our two small boys, and I drove to another state where my husband had taken a new job. After arriving at the new town, during the first morning after a night in a motel, we ate breakfast at a nearby café. We needed … Read more
Now Hear This!
There are so many calls for my attention these days. Recently, my cell phone received a national alert that was only a test, and the message said that I did not need to take any action. My coffee pot beeps when the coffee is ready, and … Read more
Leaky Lives
I heard a story recently about a city official whose past online postings, containing derisive and hateful speech, were brought to the present wider audience. He was embarrassed and expressed remorse, saying that his postings were … Read more
Upside Down And Opposites
Hanging upside down on playground bars was always fun for me as an active little girl. It was an interesting perspective for my brain to unscramble and to realize that there are more ways to see the world than the right-side up way. It … Read more
This Is The Day!
Little children are just amazing. I've always loved being around them. I've watched them learn to walk, and I've seen the joy and delight in their faces as they play and learn. I've seen how they live in the moment and experience new … Read more
Passwords For The Heart
Recently, I purchased a book with a title that included Bible verses to "know by heart". That phrase, to "know by heart" jumped out at me. I wondered what important things I actually do know by heart. I have many hidden helps in my head … Read more
Tuning In Or Tuning Out?
I'm old enough to remember hearing popular radio program announcers say things like "Don't touch that dial" and "Stay tuned" and "Tune in again next time" that would keep the attention of the listeners during station breaks. I was … Read more
Power To Grasp
During a recent appointment with an occupational therapist for my injured hand, I was interested to observe the various tools used to measure the mobility and movements of my hand and fingers. One of the tools was a device that had a … Read more
Would You Say That Again, Please?
Not always hearing clearly or correctly, I often ask people to repeat what they have said. I need to know if what I thought that I heard is actually what they said. If there is something new to learn, I've needed it repeated several times … Read more
Hope That Holds
When I was a young parent, I made a rule that my children hold my hand when crossing streets or in crowded places. I wanted to make sure that they were safe or that they didn't wander away. I've often seen children just automatically … Read more
Memorable Meals
Many cultures have a tradition of harvest celebration involving a special meal. Remembering the reason for the gathering is what makes it so special. People in the USA celebrate Thanksgiving at the end of November. At this time of year my … Read more
Truly Awesome
"Awesome," the young server responded as we gave our restaurant order. It made us wonder how our simple order could be that "awesome". Sometimes, it seems like good words are so overused that they lose their impact or meaning. The … Read more
Breathe! Exhale!
Life — it's impossible without breath. "Breathe!" "Blast!" These commands came from a technician coaching me for a pulmonary function test as I sat inside an air-tight, sealed cylinder watching him through the glass. I felt like he was … Read more
In Every Situation
In a recent email, I was listing for a family member a number of current, mundane things related to home maintenance repairs and various family health issues, including waiting for lab reports and appointments. I ended the list with "It's … Read more
Behind a counter inside my local bank stands a huge vault. Behind the open door is another large door with steel bars and a large lock, and inside are walls covered with hundreds of tiny doors, each with a lock that has two spots for … Read more
During the past two years, a water exercise class that I enjoyed was shut down due to the pandemic. Recently, because there were too few certified lifeguards available, its reopening was delayed. Lifeguards are essential to the safe and … Read more
Heavy Burdens Lifted
On two earlier occasions, my husband and I had stayed at the same hotel after driving to visit relatives. This time, we opted for travelling by train. From the Amtrak station, we rode on the light rail system to a station within a short … Read more
Garments To Mend Or Replace?
Did your mother have a mending basket? It was there that things which needed mending were put until there was time to fix them. Some items required carefully working from inside the garment and concealing stitches or weaving threads or … Read more
Being First
"I was here first!" It starts so early! This exclamation often ended in some pushing and shoving. The effort to be first in line seems to go way back in my memory. It seemed that to be first in line was some kind of great achievement … Read more
Watch Where You Are Going
Recently, I've become acquainted with a woman who is rapidly losing her eyesight. She once had full sight, but as the years have advanced, her vision has declined, until now all that she can perceive is brightness and shadow. Her white … Read more
Connected Together
Recently, a friend loaned me a jigsaw puzzle. In the past, I'd considered working jigsaw puzzles to be a waste of valuable time. Finally, during a seemingly aimless part of a day, I decided to tackle it and dumped the pieces on a table. … Read more
Light Seen And Unseen
Are you ever amazed or surprised at what light reveals to your human eye? There is a small glass prism that sits on my kitchen windowsill. Sometimes, when the afternoon sunlight hits the prism just right, the bending of the light … Read more
Bird In Home-Nest Hiding
Have you ever peeked into a bird's nest to see newly hatched, tiny baby birds? They are so very small and fragile, and so dependent on their parents for protection and nourishment. The parents defend the nest and expend themselves to find … Read more
A Kite, An Answered Prayer, And A Song
It was a lovely day with a good breeze blowing, and our seven-year-old son decided to try to fly his new kite. After he got it aloft and felt the tug of the kite, it suddenly broke free and disappeared over the rooftops in our suburban … Read more
Finding The Way
After attending a gathering in a remote area on the other side of the city from where I live, it was time for me to drive home. I was alone, and it was late at night. I was in an unfamiliar area. Following a sign that directed me toward … Read more
Useless Knowledge
While working in a large technical library, I so often felt great satisfaction when admiring full library shelves after checking in books and filling the shelves with the returned books. The appearance was so satisfying! Looking so neat … Read more
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