In the dictionary, among the meanings for the word "glory", I find: exalted honour, splendour, radiance. As I read this psalm it made me remember nights at the lake when the stars literally bounced in their brightness and I could … Read more
Author Archive
Pain Beyond Understanding
This week my wife and I lost a dear friend through death from cancer. She died painfully, struggling to the very end. It is so easy to ask, "How can this happen? Why? Why?" If we try to find a … Read more
Awesome Grace
WOW! Who could measure up, who could enter His tabernacle on those terms? I think of Job in the passage where he tells God that he does not deserve his severe suffering because he has lived an upright, blameless life. … Read more
Everybody, Somebody, Anybody And Nobody
This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got … Read more
Remember The Sabbath Day
When Jesus faced the Pharisees concerning the disciples picking the heads of wheat on the Sabbath, He was facing their mis-representation of God. The God their Sabbath rules represented was negative and petty. When I was growing up a generation … Read more
Happy Birthday
This week I read a piece on "Worship" which compared it to a birthday party. At first I thought this rather frivolous until I read further. The birthday person is the centre of attention and the birthday cake honours him … Read more
God's Gifts
My earliest recollection of this verse goes back to Sunday School days and my perception of it was that if a child were brought up in the church and if the teachings of Christ were a part of his or … Read more
Risk Taking
I spent my career in the financial world and dealing with risk was an everyday necessity. We called it "risk tolerance" and had to determine how much of it a person possessed when they talked about making an investment. It … Read more
The Underground Railway
In the township of Oro, near Orillia, Ontario, Canada, is a lonely, remote intersection where two roads meet at right angles. The surrounding fields are treeless and the emptiness contrasts with one corner of the intersection. On this corner is … Read more
The Super Understander
Today I listened to a professional in the health care field talking about people with Alzheimers disease. She emphasized how necessary it is for people to understand what is going on in the mind of the patient. She talked about … Read more
Green Pastures – Still Waters
Several years ago my wife and I experienced for the first time the awesomeness of the Rocky Mountains. As we stood looking at the sheer rock face of Mount Edith Cavelle stretching up to the sky we felt insignificant and … Read more
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