Author Archive

Listening To Others

Friday, February 3, 2017

The Samaritans are a national organization in the United Kingdom, whose 20,000 volunteers listen. Every six seconds, day or night, someone contacts them. They help callers talk through their concerns, worries, and troubles. Many years … Read more


Thursday, February 18, 2016

After my wife's death, a friend of her mother telephoned to offer her condolences. Among other things, she told me about being ambushed. This is when something happens that brings back memories. I follow a blog called Spitalfields LifeRead more

Still With Us

Monday, January 4, 2016

Fourteen years ago, my wife, Pauline Hitchcock, wrote a devotional around this text. We had travelled to Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada, to see the burnt ruins of St. John's Church which had been destroyed at Halloween. We saw a shaft … Read more


PresbyCan is a community of faithful, Holy Spirit-filled, Christ-centred, God-honouring Christians.