It was delightful to see the Canada's Governor-General confer the Order of Canada on Nelson Mandela last September, and to hear Prime Minister Chretien's comment to Toronto students in the Skydome that they would one day tell their grand-children that … Read more
Author Archive
The Fruit Of The Tree Of Knowledge
Sunday, September 13, 1998
Isn't it interesting that, even after Eve and Adam ate the fruit in order to know everything, we find that we still don't know much: Why do "bad" things happen to good people? Why do people get old and die? … Read more
Dominion Day
Wednesday, July 1, 1998
In my country, today is Canada Day, which celebrates 131 years of the confederation of four British colonies into the "Dominion of Canada". It used to be called Dominion Day, and, perhaps because it occurs after schools recess for the … Read more
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