Author Archive

He Who Is Omnipotent

Friday, September 18, 2015

This rebuke of Peter, whom Jesus had previously called a "rock", is one of His sayings that has stood out for me. One recent early morning, it came in very handy. My wife became ill several months ago, and I brought her to the hospital. … Read more

God Incarnate

Thursday, July 9, 2015

My uncle, who was also my godfather, served in the armed forces in Europe as a sergeant in World War II. I remember him telling me that there were no atheists in the foxholes while they were being fired upon and eluding bombs. Although I … Read more

The Uncompromising Light

Saturday, March 7, 2015

In North America, we have what is called Daylight Saving Time, which merely means turning our clocks ahead one hour. This action is done on the second Sunday of March. In actuality, we don't get a minute more of daylight. What we do get … Read more

A Vision Of Jesus

Sunday, January 11, 2015

There was a time when I turned my back on God. I denied His existence. He took my best friend — my father — even though I prayed that He'd heal and keep him on this earth. I was only nine then, but for many years, I wanted nothing to do … Read more

To The Church In The West

Monday, November 3, 2014

Recently, my Bible study group began studying the book of Revelation. Contemplating our discussions in regards to the seven churches, I was inspired to write what I felt Jesus may be saying to the Church in the West today. From a … Read more


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