Author Archive

What, Me Worry?

Thursday, July 21, 2005

During the recent past, I have been having worries that ranged from layoffs at work (and subsequently how to be able to pay the bills), to having to care for an ailing parent. One Friday as I was driving home … Read more

Faithful God

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Recently, I learned of the death of my favourite stage and television star, Jerry Orbach, who made the role of Lenny Briscoe infamous on television's Law and Order. Like many of his biggest fans, I mourned his passing and felt … Read more

God's Strength

Sunday, December 26, 2004

My six-year-old started skating lessons last fall. Before the lessons, he was really excited, wanting to learn how to skate so that he could play hockey like his older brother. Never having been on skates before, he had trouble moving … Read more


PresbyCan is a community of faithful, Holy Spirit-filled, Christ-centred, God-honouring Christians.