I have the pleasure of spending a great deal of time with my five-year-old grandson. He has a kind and loving nature and models for me quite regularly what it means for us to love each other. One day, I accidentally damaged the mechanism … Read more
Author Archive
Lessons From Toddlers
I spend a lot of time with my toddler grandson these days. His way of being in the world got me thinking about why Jesus commended little children to us as our role model for entering the kingdom of heaven. What is so endearing about … Read more
Getting Through Winter
When I went through a few rough patches a number of years ago, I started reading the book of Job for answers. Why me, Lord? Why is this happening to me? How do I get through this? The answer that God gave to Job was that it was not for … Read more
A Saint's Legacy
Recently, I attended a beautiful memorial service for Pastor Tom, a Baptist pastor who had a ministry to marginalized people living with addictions or untreated mental illness, or in poverty, in the city of Victoria, British Columbia, … Read more
Being Watchful And Thankful
People sometimes tell me that they admire how I have handled the challenges in my life. They could see that being a single parent was not easy, especially given that both my daughter and I had serious chronic illnesses to manage. There … Read more
Giving Thanks In All Circumstances
I am a person living with a mental illness. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder many years ago, when I was in my thirties. Given the nature of the illness, I have naturally had ups and downs. Each and every day, I need to make sure … Read more
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