The grandkids raced to my house, all excited and yelling about the big tree that their dad had just purchased. I discovered that it was a ten-foot-tall, cone-shaped Christmas tree completely encircled by white LED lights with a … Read more
Search Results for: "Revelation 21:"
I Cannot Lie
A few weeks ago, I was standing in line at my local drugstore when I overheard an interaction between a customer and the pharmacy assistant. "Mrs. X, how are you doing today?" I looked back to see who Mrs. X was because of the kindness … Read more
My New Motorized Walker
I have been dealing with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) since being diagnosed back in 2023. In my life before AS, I was actively involved in daily exercise, which included walking and weight lifting. The absence of that lifetime activity has … Read more
If Thorns Could Speak
During quiet time with the Lord, I pictured in my mind the crown of thorns on Jesus' head, and heard in my spirit the words, "The day creation rejoiced." I began to wonder, if it were possible, how the thorns might possibly have … Read more
The Book Of Life
In high school, my teachers often told us about what they called "the Black Book". They would say that if our names were entered in the book for any atrocious activity, it would stop us from getting good jobs later in life. How we dreaded … Read more
Names Worn Down
For many years, my mother adopted and daily cared for a small, neglected, historic cemetery in California, USA. On days of celebration — Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Veteran's Day — she and another couple set out American flags … Read more
Who Are We Fooling?
The Mask. The ubiquitous mask! Everywhere, we see them, worn by almost everyone. You probably wear one yourself, as I do. Even Queen Elizabeth was shown worldwide wearing one at the funeral of Prince Philip. In a recent conversation with … Read more
New And Improved
Here in the Georgian Bay area of southern Ontario, Canada, winter can be very dreary. On one such day recently, there was a gloomy sky, and sulky, sodden clouds drizzled misty rain off and on all day. At times, it was quite windy. The … Read more
What's In A Name?
A newborn baby's first possession is his name. Parents normally put much time and consideration into the name that they give their child. It is a person's name that identifies and sets him apart from all the other people in the world. … Read more
The Tear's Majestic Beauty
I recently asked my two great-grandsons, "Why did God give us tears?" The three-year-old answered, "Because we're crying", and the six-year-old said, "Hmmm, I got it! Because when we're sad we can't just make a noise. We have to make a … Read more
Why Did Jesus Have To Die Such A Horrific Death?
We know that Jesus, though God, had to be born human so that He could give His perfect life as the payment for our sins, but I really wonder why Jesus had to die such a horrific death. There were many ways that people died in those days. … Read more
A Promise From Me
Several years ago, one of the members of a church we attended lost her son to a drive-by shooting. As she grieved, and as we all did, I prayed and asked God how I might be used to be a comfort to her, and the following story was dropped … Read more
The Tree Of Life
I have a goji berry bush, the fruit of which is highly antioxidant, long used in Chinese medicine, and also used to make jam. The plant is now as tall as I am. I fertilize it, but I've yet to see any fruit. Those at the nursery suggested … Read more
The Visitation
The symptoms of vascular dementia include memory loss, confusion, and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving, or language that are serious enough to interfere with daily life. These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged because of … Read more
(Un)Answered Prayer
On June 15th, 2015, one of my two remaining sisters, three years my junior, was admitted to the hospital. At that time, she was suffering from an undisclosed intestinal problem. She was unable to eat properly, and she was dehydrated. The … Read more
Living Water
I have noticed that more and more people are carrying a water bottle with them at all times, when they are walking or jogging, driving the car, in church, and at sports events. We are often reminded that water is good for us, even when … Read more
Red Emeralds
My friend attended a gospel convention in the United States and stood in line afterwards to have a word with one of the speakers. As she waited, she noticed a young man approaching her. He was a stranger to her, but he was making eye … Read more
Happy New Year
Early on Easter morning, I was out walking with our dog, a morning ritual that I have come to enjoy as much as she does. It was a beautiful morning, sunny and cold, and we were out very early, so we were able to watch the sun rise on our … Read more
The Second Christmas
As the dogs and I watched the horizon, patiently waiting for the sun to rise sufficiently for us to go for our walk, I silently counted the days until December 21st, the shortest day of the year, signifying that on the morrow the darkness … Read more
What's In Your Safe?
As a former coin collector, I have always had a fascination with gold, which is one of our most precious metals. There are several YouTube videos on the Internet that show the painstaking refinement process by which all the dross and … Read more
The New Jerusalem
During its long history, the city of Jerusalem has been destroyed at least twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. The city is surrounded by a wall and divided into four quarters: Jewish, … Read more
"Precious" Memories
In 2000, I wrote a devotional about our daughter's dog, Precious. When we had to have her put to sleep due to old age and a fall, it was a really difficult day for all of us. She had survived with skin cancer for over five years and had … Read more
Ladybugs Are Free
After an extremely cold winter, I was happy to set free into the wild several ladybugs that had taken up residence in my home. A friend suggested that I get rid of them, but instead, I kept them in a plastic storage box and gave them food … Read more
Stark Reality
Let me tell about a dream I had last night. I saw a barren tree stripped of all its leaves, ready for winter — no green, red, or gold left behind, just stark and naked in the frosty air — so dead looking — just like we feel in lonely … Read more
Heaven Is For Real
I have been reading a wonderful little book called Heaven is for Real. It is the story of a little boy, Colton, who, when extremely ill in hospital with a burst appendix, had experiences of being in heaven. His father, Todd Burpo, … Read more
True Freedom
Have you ever wondered what true freedom really is? The dictionary defines it as the power to do what we want to do and to go where we want to go without being controlled; not being a slave or prisoner; not having or being affected by … Read more
The End Of The World?
"The world is coming to an end on December 21, 2012." You have read about it in the newspaper. You have heard about it on television. There are thousands of interpretations and views on the Internet. Just google the phrase "2012 end of the … Read more
Spring Is In The Air
I love spring! Where we live, we are surrounded by trees, and it is amazing to watch the leaves come out. Over the last few days, the trees have changed from bare to almost-filled with green leaves again. We are … Read more