Over three decades ago, Bobby McFerrin wrote a little song called Don't worry be happy. Do you remember this catchy little song? The lyrics from his song started off: Here's a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note … Read more
Search Results for: "Psalm 94:"
Panic Attack
Does that sound like a panic attack to you? Many factors — including biology, heredity, temperament, stress, and the particular experiences of a situation — can contribute to panic attacks. This can be a serious medical condition and … Read more
Those Sneaky Joy Robbers!
My friend, Mary, couldn't understand why her almonds were disappearing. She had set out a dishful for snacking, but she certainly wasn't eating them that fast. The only other person around was her husband, so naturally, she suspected him. … Read more
Coping With Renovations And Trusting God
Dust, dust, and more dust! This was on day one of an eight-day renovation project. I was surrounded by plaster dust, pieces of drywall that had been cut to fit the size of the ceiling, and bits of cardboard that had peeled from the … Read more
A Little World
This past summer, we visited the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, Canada. We have driven through them often, and occasionally we stop and climb a mountain. This year, we rode a gondola lift to the top of one mountain. The scene … Read more