Search Results for: "Psalm 72:"

Secret Santa

Thursday, December 3, 2020

A workplace tradition at Christmas is the practice of assigning each employee the name of another co-worker to be given an anonymous gift. Our office has made our own version of the Secret Santa game: we are to choose a small gift that our … Read more

God's Inspired Word

Monday, November 30, 2020

Back in 1866, when the founding fathers of Confederation were discussing naming Canada, Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley was reading the Bible one morning. While reading Psalm 72, he was inspired by the words of today's verse. His suggestion … Read more

Celebration And Reflection

Sunday, July 2, 2017

The name "Canada" is rooted in an Iroquois word "kanata" meaning "settlement" or "land". The land now known as Canada and the peoples who dwell in it are much older than the 150 years marked on July 1st in a sesquicentennial celebration. … Read more

A Very High Price

Saturday, November 26, 2016

When my daughter and her husband picked up their kitten from the animal shelter, they were informed that the two-week-old foundling would likely die soon. Undeterred by these foreboding words, they lovingly named their black and white … Read more

Sheba, The Wonder Dog

Thursday, November 19, 2009

For some reason, still unknown to me, "Sheba" was a popular name for dogs in Scotland when I was growing up. It usually was given to a German Shepherd or Alsatian, which looked proud and fierce, but normally was great with children. … Read more

Rebuilding Moral Fibre

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Over the years, we have observed a downward moral trend, as Western society has become more and more secular, and traditional values and laws based on the Bible have been overturned. Some have even tried to argue that the Christian faith … Read more

Tending The Grass

Monday, July 21, 2008

In the spring, our neighbourhood was busy with people working on their lawns after a long winter. People were out raking, seeding, replacing sections with rolls of sod, and cutting their grass. In the early spring, we did not have … Read more


Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ah! Spring has sprung! How I love to watch everything come to life once again! As the grass is growing, we know that sooner or later it will have to be mowed. In fact, first thing in the spring when … Read more

Thanksgiving Dinner

Monday, October 9, 2006

Isn't it just like God to have a plan beyond what we can ever dream is possible? Last Thanksgiving, when most people were with their families, my husband and I decided to go out to lunch after church. Unbeknownst to … Read more

Messages From Zimbabwe: Journey To Wholeness (6)

Saturday, December 5, 1998

Today I am doing final preparations to speak with the people of Mbare Presbyterian Church tomorrow. I've been told this is an exuberant congregation who do not speak English but know the language of the Spirit. As a guest in … Read more

Dominion Day

Wednesday, July 1, 1998

In my country, today is Canada Day, which celebrates 131 years of the confederation of four British colonies into the "Dominion of Canada". It used to be called Dominion Day, and, perhaps because it occurs after schools recess for the … Read more

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