After a friend shared the following testimony, I asked for her permission to pass it on. You'll likely be stirred by her experience, and you, too, will respond with thanksgiving. Here's her story: A group of my girlfriends decided to … Read more
Search Results for: "Psalm 69:"
The Locked Stairwell
As a student, I participated in a job experience program for a few weeks at a local newspaper office. One evening, I took the stairs down to the building lobby instead of the elevator, but as the heavy door latched behind me, I found that … Read more
The Illusion Of Privacy
The other day, I received two emails from Google. The first one mentioned my privacy features; the second displayed my recent whereabouts on a Google map, as tracked through my cell phone. Both emails required my response — to protect my … Read more
Stumbling Block
Even though I regularly ask God not to allow me to be led into temptation, it never occurred to me that I might lead someone else there. In my senior year in Bible school, I was ignoring the 9 p.m. curfew imposed on dorm dwellers. … Read more
Quiet, Be Still
Interestingly, the event described in Mark's Gospel is the only time that we catch a glimpse of Jesus sleeping during His ministry. The day's teaching left Him exhausted, seeking privacy and rest. Nothing could disturb Him — not even … Read more
A Reason To Give Thanks
Yesterday, about noon, we had the first snowfall of the year. I was out running an errand over the lunch hour, when, as the weather reports warned us, the snowflakes started to fall. Anyone I met during the course of the afternoon was not … Read more
At A Distance
It was a beautiful spring Saturday morning — not a cloud in the sky. After a long and harsh winter, it was a welcome sight. After collecting a few dried-up leaves and some wayward recycling from the yard, I was ready for a stroll … Read more
Baptism By Fire And Water
I come into the Presbyterian Church from the Baptist Church where I served as an ordained pastor. One of the main differences is how the two groups do their baptisms. Presbyterians can be much more dignified, while Baptists can be … Read more