I sigh with pleasure as I slip into bed between crisp sheets and pull up the covers — at least two of them plus a bedspread. I like to sleep with weight on top of me, summer or winter. I feel more secure when cuddled under several … Read more
Search Results for: "Psalm 56:"
Needless Worrying
Over three decades ago, Bobby McFerrin wrote a little song called Don't worry be happy. Do you remember this catchy little song? The lyrics from his song started off: Here's a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note … Read more
Trying Times
She was 91, able to live on her own and manage her own life. She had a few health issues, but her major concern was intolerable back pain. She sought various remedies, finally settling on surgery to insert a spinal cord stimulator. In … Read more
Simply Trusting
One day, we received a picture of our granddaughter and her husband holding their little two-year-old boy upside down between them. We could see their legs and the boy hanging there, laughing. He was not worried; he knew that his parents … Read more
God's Inspired Word
Back in 1866, when the founding fathers of Confederation were discussing naming Canada, Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley was reading the Bible one morning. While reading Psalm 72, he was inspired by the words of today's verse. His suggestion … Read more
The Greatest Love Story
Whenever I feast on the wonder of a starlit sky, as daytime's sunset pulls down her blind and whispers goodnight, I cannot help but believe in God's handiwork. And though my eyesight has faded over time, and brilliant colours have lost … Read more
The Tear's Majestic Beauty
I recently asked my two great-grandsons, "Why did God give us tears?" The three-year-old answered, "Because we're crying", and the six-year-old said, "Hmmm, I got it! Because when we're sad we can't just make a noise. We have to make a … Read more
Do Not Be Afraid
Twice a month for a great number of years now, I have been leading a Bible discussion at the local Long Term Care Centre. On special occasions such as Christmas, New Year's, and Good Friday, I lead a worship service there as well. My wife … Read more
Trust And Comfort
Have you ever had a stretch of time when opportunities arose to test what you're made of spiritually? For me, this particular stretch has lasted over three years. Besides daily annoyances, the death of a parent, and career challenges, … Read more
Running Against The Wind
With all the hot weather that we have had, we were grateful when we finally received the much-needed rain. With the rain came a gentle, cool breeze that brought relief and comfort to our household. The other day, as I … Read more
Tears In A Bottle
Can you imagine collecting a lifetime of tears in a bottle? How would those tears describe your life? Several weeks ago, I received a lovely email devotional explaining the ancient custom of collecting tears. One individual shared her experience in … Read more
Tears In A Bottle
I am sure you have heard the following phrases in one form or another: – Big boys don't cry. – Big girls don't cry. – Oh, you're fine. Just dust yourself off and wipe away the tears. Sadly, with such … Read more
That Long-Awaited Snowfall
For several days, the weather channel had been predicting snow for our area of the state. Since snow is something we seldom see, the grandchildren were very excited. At last the day arrived! That long-awaited snowfall was to be here. … Read more
All Through The Night
A couple of nights ago, fearfully tossing and turning, unable to sleep, I reached up in the darkness to turn my radio on, hoping to find some relaxing music. Instantly I heard the sweetest voice singing a song I have … Read more
Moving Day
The day had finally arrived. It was the day we moved our youngest daughter, Cindy, to Kingston, Ontario, Canada, to complete her last year at Queen's University. Cindy's futon bed, computer desk, and chair, along with two bedside tables, a … Read more