I just received news that a dear Christian lady who went to our church years ago was soon to be taken off life support and was expected to die. Surgery went well, but a blood clot caused a massive stroke that left her in a coma. Since she … Read more
Search Results for: "Psalm 39:"
Our Lives Are Fleeting
A dear friend left us last month for her heavenly home. We had been friends for 47 years. I'm so grateful that my husband and I had visited with her in July for what proved to be the last time until we meet again. Joan was to have knee … Read more
A Sad Misunderstanding Of Time
I almost blew it! My first year at university was nearly a disaster. Midway through the first month away from home, I was introduced to a temptation that became an addictive drug in my veins. The more that I tried it, the more addicted … Read more
Day And Night
These days, there are few daylight hours. Here in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, at latitude 52 degrees, 16 minutes north, on the winter solstice, December 21st, the shortest day of the year, there were 7 hours and 41 minutes of daylight. That … Read more
There Is Always Hope
Here in southern Ontario, Canada, we have had a very severe winter. It started somewhat late, but when it came, it came with a vengeance. We had temperatures of -25 to -30 degrees Celsius many nights in a row. February was the coldest … Read more
Glowing Embers
While reading through the second chapter of the book, I Dared To Call Him Father, an autobiography by Bilquis Sheikh, I was struck by her expression, glowing embers — the words she used to describe the effect of God's Word … Read more
We Will Remember Them
November 11th has always been a very special and solemn day for me — as far back as I can remember. As a child, I watched Remembrance Day parades and wondered why all of the pipers, soldiers, and people were … Read more
The Whole Trip
Jeramie, my three-year-old grandson, watched as my teenaged daughter, at the end of a summer's babysitting for my son and his family, helped load the car. My parents had come along with me to Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, to pick … Read more
Verbal Cyanide
I was stirring a lemon pie mix on the stove when the telephone rang. It was a wrong number. I was polite as I answered the call. By the time I returned, my pie mix was beginning to thicken. Within … Read more
You've Just Missed It
Each day on the return trip from my client site, I read the same sign sitting on the side of the road. But yesterday as I passed that same sign, it had a little more meaning to it, though I … Read more
Dust, Grass, And Flowers
I was sitting out on the porch quite early of a Saturday morning, enjoying the first coffee. The only other person stirring was an elderly man, making his painfully slow way towards the downtown area. His cotton cap was pushed … Read more