I have always loved scissors. A friend was getting rid of an old, heavy pair, but I couldn't bear the thought of the vintage scissors going into the garbage, so I brought them home. They were dull, but I reasoned that they would at least … Read more
Search Results for: "Psalm 113:"
The Crickets
Traditionally, a chorus of crickets entertains us during balmy summer evenings, while we sit in our outside retreats after a long day. They are very noisy, but as the crickets begin their song, I enjoy their chirps. These loud crickets, … Read more
What A Name!
Nutricia — that's one name that I'll never forget! It was given to a baby girl. Her mother got it from a label on a tin can. She liked the name, so called her daughter by that name. Nutricia was a brand name for milk supplements. In … Read more
Thankful For Good Advice
Many years ago, when I first started hearing audible voices, I was in touch with a dear friend from my teenage days. She gave me the following good, sound advice: This is hard advice to follow, but it helps me very much: Keep an attitude … Read more
Expecting God's Best
We grow up planning our lives, expecting them to turn out this way or that, only to discover that God's plans are quite different. For example, my friend expected to be married and have children. That never happened. While she … Read more
Divine Separation
I find Christmas absolutely amazing. It's not just because of the great music, the beautiful lights, or the glorious glitter. I find it amazing because it's a celebration about the Lord of all creation stooping down to our level, to leave … Read more
Sunset And Lightning
Here in mid-western Canada, an unusual phenomenon occurs. Perhaps because of the vast expanse of sky and the absence of pollution and humidity, we can often see a sunset in the east as well as in the west. The sun … Read more