Search Results for: "Numbers 13:"

God's Grasshoppers

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Quan struggled with a foreboding sense of insignificance. His people were celebrating a feast for their gods because they didn't want them to send evil spirits to punish them. Quan, however, wasn't participating. He would rather spend … Read more

Chickening Out

Friday, July 26, 2019

I was young when I learned that "chicken" wasn't necessarily a chicken. Chickens ran around my grandmother's yard during the day and were locked up in the coop at night. But if my cousin asked me to do something that I was scared to do … Read more

Faith, Focus, Follow

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Joshua and Caleb have profoundly influenced my life with their faith and optimism. As two of the twelve spies sent forth to give an account of the promised land, they alone returned with a positive report, in stark contrast to the … Read more

Giants Or Grasshoppers?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

As our reconciled family was moving on in the knowledge and love of our Lord, we found ourselves failing to maintain godly peace in our home, which resulted in devastating, ugly, harmful, warring disharmony. Mercifully, God's all-powerful revelation truth did … Read more

Let's Go In

Tuesday, July 4, 2000

One morning last week on the way to work a song came on the radio that recounted this very story from the book of Numbers. The title of it was, appropriately, "Let's Go In". The song really got me thinking … Read more

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