Can you see them — three little plants poking out of the ground? They are strange sisters, but sisters indeed. Like sisters at their best, they support and encourage one another. First, sister corn pokes out of the ground and begins a … Read more
Search Results for: "Micah 6:"
The Quandary
My granddaughters love to play hide-and-go-seek. They will spend hours at it, if I am willing to play with them. When it is my turn to seek them out, I discover their hiding spots quickly. When it is my turn to hide, however, it often … Read more
Balance — Or …
There is balance to a life of faith. Our Reformed ancestors sought to re-establish such a balance centuries ago as they placed emphasis on "faith" and not so much on "works", so much so that Martin Luther called the book of James "an … Read more
Keyless Or Clueless?
Two years ago, at age 66, I officially retired, and I decided that it was time to buy a newer car. On the main dealer's forecourt, I found one, three years old, with 15,000 miles on it and four-wheel drive — exactly what we needed for … Read more
A Manual For Life
"Can you come over? The sewing machine that you loaned me isn't working right." My neighbour was frustrated. It was a new machine that had been used only a few times. What could go wrong? My first attempt to fix it didn't work. I tried … Read more
What Is Normal?
A few days ago, I entered the elevator in my building with another resident. Only two people are allowed at a time so that distancing can be maintained. This lady and her husband moved in about the same time as I did, and we became … Read more
Delighting To Show Mercy
This may sound strange, but for most of my life, I had no idea what a real enemy was like, although in the past year I have been overwhelmed by an enemy. A person consumed with jealousy and discontentment has made it a personal mission to … Read more
Strength Under Control
The Canadian Oxford Dictionary defines the word "meek" as humble and submissive or piously gentle in nature. Meekness can mean different things to different people. I like to think of meekness as strength under control, because not everyone who is … Read more
Learning Not To Worry
We all have things every day which cause us concern or worry — from big things, like how to pay the bills — to small things, like a child who sometimes worries about going to sleep in case of bad … Read more
The Fainter
Annie, one of our pet goats, is a fainter. Fainting goats are a particular breed which when frightened fall to the ground in a faint. Fainting goats have been used in goat herds to protect the rest of the herd from predators. When a … Read more
The Best Gift
Spoons has lived on the streets of downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, for over 28 years now. He used to have a proper name; it's been so long that he has almost forgotten it. I remember the day several years … Read more
The Missing Ingredient
I was in the process of preparing dinner when the phone rang. Usually I am good at multi-tasking. So I continued to prepare the potato salad while talking on the phone. I was almost done the potato salad at the … Read more
Walking With Purpose
Often as I'm working at my computer, a movement outside my window takes my attention away from my work. Usually I'm interrupted by the sight of a cyclist enjoying a trip through the countryside, but often it is the walker … Read more
While I Walk
It is mid-morning. While I walk, I smell the freshness of the fog, and see the early buds beginning to burst. While I walk past a window, someone is sitting at a desk, poring over a pile of papers. I … Read more
A Present For Jesus
Where or when does Jesus come in our holiday festivities? We invest a lot of creative energy in getting the right presents for the individuals we buy or make gifts for, and that is good. If we stop to think … Read more
New Humble
Twenty-odd years ago, my friend and I and our two little daughters set out to deliver a car part to one of her husband's customers in a community about twenty miles west of our little town in Alberta, Canada. Finding … Read more
Behind The Scenes
This world would be a much different place were there no goings-on behind the scenes. Consider for a moment, things in life that we have either helped take place, had the privilege of attending, or been the recipient of, because … Read more
The Thin Line
There is what I would call a thin but firm line between the confidence we show, and pride. When someone offers a complement, saying how well we did some thing, how do we react or feel inside? When I complete … Read more
An Only Life
My mother, from whom I learned the gift of giving and sharing, often used to smile and quip, "You'll get your reward in heaven!" Recently I had occasion to confront an organization that had earlier reamed out an elderly relative … Read more
Place And Pace
Walking five dogs successfully requires a system. Each of the dogs therefore has a place within the fan shape that is most effective when walking a number of creatures. If one or more of the dogs begin crossing over or … Read more
Our Advocate
Almost two years ago, I was told that my job was being eliminated. I was fortunate in many ways as I was given a choice of taking a job with different duties, or going back to a previous job. However, … Read more
In Christ There Is No East Or West
Several years ago I was on a train, returning home from a tax seminar. The train was crowded and I was sharing the row with a complete stranger, an older black gentleman. As well-trained and polite travellers should, we acknowledged … Read more
Look Underneath
I learned to pick berries when I was just little. My mom taught me that if you lift up the bushes or leaves, the juiciest, tenderest, best berries are underneath… you just have to look. Some people just pick from … Read more
A Living Quilt
I think that often, in our Christian faith, we think that we have to have a big story to tell, a turning point in our lives that will make people really sit up and listen. You know, like the story … Read more
Christians Aren't Perfect
I was given a button by a friend who probably thought I needed it more than she did. It says, Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven. Anybody here perfect? Have you kept all the laws and rules and regulations at your … Read more
A Season For Sailing
OK. Why is the Church like a sailboat? Give up? Because so much energy goes in to keeping the thing repaired and so little time is left to do the activity it was made for. When I talk about sailing, … Read more
The Graduate: Part 1… Kindness
Henry James was one of those strange philosophers who would use twenty words where one would do, and who would speak in riddles when plain speaking was necessary. When his nephew Billy was leaving home, Henry James called him aside … Read more
The Sign Of Jonah
How often have we begged God for a "sign" so that we would know God's will? When we pray, how do we recognize God's direction over the beguiling call of our desires and perceived needs? Wouldn't it be so nice … Read more
It's Not That Complicated
Robert Fulghum made a best seller with a book called, Everything I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten. You know this, I think: Share everything, play fair, don't hurt people, put things back where you found them, and … Read more