Search Results for: "Luke 9:"


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

One afternoon, around three years ago, I came to our church and saw a middle-aged man sitting on the pavement outside. As this was a church for students (and I was an undergraduate), his presence was odd. Also, the fact that he was just … Read more

Being Fully Committed To The Lord

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The year was 1965. I was trying to decide what I should do with my life, and I wanted to be sure that I was making the right decision. I finally decided to fulfill the call to fulltime ministry that came to me when I gave my heart to … Read more

The Transfiguration

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Many churches celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration on August 6, based on the story in today's verses. We know what "mountaintop" experiences are, but this is not about anything that we do, rather that we become aware of what God is … Read more

Learning To Walk Properly

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

After having knee replacement surgery in January, 2020, I began the physiotherapy appointments, and quickly realized that I needed to re-learn how to walk. Over the years, my disintegrating knee joint and the resulting pain had caused me … Read more

Meet Our Dinner Guests

Monday, September 21, 2020

Today, I'd like you to meet Chippy and Red, our regular dinner guests this summer. Chippy is a chipmunk; Red is a red squirrel. They live in our backyard and join our evening meals on the deck. It didn't start smoothly, however. Red kept … Read more


Thursday, April 16, 2020

In my spiritual journey, I've discovered that God often leads in ways that we don't understand. He simply requires our obedience. He has something in mind for us further down the road. Like a book, our life has chapters. Each chapter … Read more

In Our Mind's Eye

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I had been thinking about going to Egypt, off and on, for well over 50 years. It was one of the places that I wanted to learn about and see. During the 15 years when we worked and lived in Europe, we never went there, because at that time … Read more

Help Wanted

Sunday, July 14, 2019

According to statistics, in Canada, depending on location, between five and a half to six percent of the people who are able to work cannot find meaningful employment. Yet, employers don't seem to be able to find workers. Every once in a … Read more

A Sabbath Moment

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

In a busy world, Sabbath is something that we need to seek intentionally. People need to pursue Sabbath moments in life. People in the church and in society alike need concrete examples of how to create Sabbath — in their car, through … Read more

My Trip Back To The Potter's House

Monday, July 2, 2018

Shortly after I came to know the Lord as my personal Saviour, I was going through an extremely difficult period in my life. The pot that was my life had been formed and fired, but it had imperfections that had to be corrected. It was then … Read more

Healing The Hurting

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

God brought the saying to my mind; I never imagined anything would come of it. Every second week, I change the saying on the sign in front of the church that I pastor. Since I tire of trying to find unique sayings — and since we didn't … Read more

The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God

Saturday, January 14, 2017

It was a very snowy winter. Snow after snow fell, day after day. We lived in a very white world. As spring thaw began, a team of horses pulling a sled suddenly went down so deep beside the winter-packed tracks that they threw snow over … Read more

God's Selfie-Free Zone

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Can you imagine anyone risking their life for the sake of a selfie (a self-portrait using one's cell phone)? It happens, and that's why "Selfie-Free Zone" signs are posted in various areas of the world. Some spots are especially appealing … Read more


Thursday, June 16, 2016

The summer is a great time to do things around the house or yard, but each time, it takes me a mountain of coaxing and unrelenting reasoning simply to commit to paint the deck, mow the lawn, or clean out and vacuum the car. Does the word … Read more

Who Are You Fooling?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Our prayer group prays regularly for people diagnosed as bi-polar. It is important that they take their medication regularly for the rest of their lives. When they do, they function well. They ask for prayer for relationships. They can … Read more

What Are So Few Bibles?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Yesterday, God answered a question that I had asked in a moment of discouragement over 42 years ago — and I was blessed beyond words! A friend and I had taken Bibles with us into Russia, even though it involved considerable danger, … Read more

Just Like Jesus

Sunday, June 14, 2015

There are some days when I desperately need Jesus to walk beside me, to show me the kingdom of God, and to heal my hurts and disappointments, my anxieties and fears, as well as my sickness and sadness. In my heart, I know that only He can … Read more

Topsy-Turvy Teacher

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

One of the earliest images of Jesus that most of us have is usually of Him playing with and surrounded by children. Most church nurseries have pictures hanging on their walls with similar drawings. The best picture that I have ever seen … Read more

Listening To Jesus

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sometimes, instead of listening to Jesus, I listen to my own thoughts and ideas. I end up making foolish choices and stupid mistakes which Christ could have helped me to avoid. I thought that the older I got, the wiser I would become. … Read more

Too Busy

Friday, March 21, 2014

I took the month of December off from my Bible study commitments at the Meaford Long Term Care Centre. The only thing that I did was to lead a worship service there on Christmas morning. My wife, as she has always done for ten years now, … Read more

Archie The Engineer

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Archie was a great preacher, and many of the young people in Glasgow, Scotland, whom I knew in the late 1970s, were drawn to Jesus through his straightforward, no-nonsense style of preaching. He was a heating engineer by trade and … Read more

Giving Thanks

Monday, October 8, 2012

Every fall, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, a day set aside to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives. But do people actually do this, or is it just another day off? For a number of reasons, through time … Read more

A Legacy Of Faith (Part 1)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Each year on the 24th of April, a remembrance day is held around the world to commemorate the genocide of over one million Armenians in 1915 because of their refusal to deny Jesus Christ and worship Allah. An Armenian who … Read more

I'm First!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't you just hate them? I mean, really? Who do they think they are anyway? We have all been there when someone pushes themselves to the front of what is happening and declares to everyone else, "I can do it … Read more

A Cause For Rejoicing

Monday, May 9, 2011

Our rural village is located about halfway between Erie and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Within the last few years, our minister was diagnosed as diabetic, and was also operated on twice to insert a stent into his heart. One Friday afternoon, … Read more


Friday, October 1, 2010

Here in Britain, we have herring gulls. They have a piercing, laughing call that instantly evokes in me a sense of the seaside. Recent years have modified that image experienced as a child. One day, as a male herring gull … Read more

Ahh! Spring

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I can sense that spring is in the air in the part of Canada where I live. The signs to me are melting snowbanks and the sun with bone-warming heat in it. Birds are beginning to return, and small patches … Read more

Feeding A Thousand Sheep

Thursday, February 4, 2010

One memory of my teenage years is the spring my dad shipped in a thousand sheep by rail from Texas. With our hired help on horseback, we herded them off the train, down the main street of our small town, … Read more

Plow Straight Rows

Monday, June 29, 2009

I live in permanent gratitude for a message I heard as a little girl in church years ago. By Bible verses and large vivid drawings, it was illustrated what happens when farmers plowing a field keep their eyes to the front: straight, even … Read more

Just Ask

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My friend was painstakingly peeling cloves of garlic with a huge butcher knife. (Women often use the nearest tool at hand, thinking they are saving time!) "Why do you peel garlic like that?" I asked. "There is a better way." "Will you … Read more

Let's Eat

Friday, April 24, 2009

In this record of Jesus feeding the crowd, several things come to mind. First of all, if one little boy had the five loaves and two fish, his basket must have been boy-sized. Needing to have enough for fifty in each group, Jesus must … Read more

Only One Person

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Recently, during our morning walk and talk, a friend told me that her little four-year-old grandson, who used to love being in church before going on to Sunday School, had been different the past two Sundays. In their church, prior … Read more

Where Are You?

Friday, May 19, 2006

I went into town the other day and was attracted by the sound of a woman's voice reverberating off the surrounding buildings. As I came closer to the point of origin, I found a very smart woman speaking on her … Read more

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PresbyCan is a community of faithful, Holy Spirit-filled, Christ-centred, God-honouring Christians.