As we visited multiple churches to worship with extended family and friends, my young son had become quite a connoisseur of the sacramental communion elements. He voiced his pleasure or displeasure in loud whispers from the pews. … Read more
Search Results for: "Luke 22:"
Not Thy Will, But Mine!
Have you ever composed and sent off what should have been a perfect document, only to find that a serious error either in spelling or word placement had taken place? Very frustrating! You have been there, too? I was preparing a PresbyCan … Read more
Small Things
In the small mountain community where I live during the summer, there are hundreds of children who don't have adequate food at home. In response, two faithful young women founded Backpack Snacks. On Friday, each of the identified … Read more
When You Have Turned Back
In my devotions today, the question was asked, "Do you feel inferior?" I had to think about that for awhile, because there was a time in my youth when I did feel inferior, as most teenagers do at times. But as for now, at first, I didn't … Read more
Memorable Meals
Many cultures have a tradition of harvest celebration involving a special meal. Remembering the reason for the gathering is what makes it so special. People in the USA celebrate Thanksgiving at the end of November. At this time of year my … Read more
Distractions From Purpose
My son received several Lego sets for his last birthday: a boat, a race car, and a train track. My husband and I helped him build each set per the instructions. Once the sets were finished, my son proceeded to dismantle them until all the … Read more
What Does Jesus Pray About?
Do you ever feel like giving up on the Christian life, as if God doesn't hear your prayers, or even care? Growing up in a Presbyterian church in Ottawa, Canada, I learned a lot about prayer. I memorized the Lord's Prayer in Sunday School, … Read more
The Moral Way To Eat
Recently, I heard the following advice from a scientist explaining digestion: Before eating, pause and take a few moments to be thankful. This allows your brain time to signal your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for … Read more
I am now on the other side of the communion table. What I see and hear are different from presiding at the table. Instead of an assemblage of heads, I see a cup and a loaf of bread. Instead of the memorized ritual of holy communion, I … Read more
Beyond The Last Supper
Each time we share at the Lord's table, these verses, or ones like them, are spoken. Rarely, however, are any of the next verses given focus. The disciples did not have the benefit of knowing what would follow the Last Supper. However, … Read more
Why Did Jesus Have To Die Such A Horrific Death?
We know that Jesus, though God, had to be born human so that He could give His perfect life as the payment for our sins, but I really wonder why Jesus had to die such a horrific death. There were many ways that people died in those days. … Read more
A Sabbath Moment
In a busy world, Sabbath is something that we need to seek intentionally. People need to pursue Sabbath moments in life. People in the church and in society alike need concrete examples of how to create Sabbath — in their car, through … Read more
Would You, If You Knew?
Rarely is there a newscast that doesn't carry a story of people being saved from burning homes, terrific car crashes, acts of violence, or other incidents which would have resulted in a different outcome had it not been for the valiant … Read more
Best Meal Ever
According to my wife, I eat some strange things. My wife and I come from different regions of South Carolina, and we have different eating habits. On one of our earlier dates, she was fixing my dinner plate. Out of habit, I said, "Make … Read more
Choose To Be Positive
In 1948, a friend introduced me to his younger sister. In 1956, I married her. From the time we first met, I was impressed by how positive she was. I was all the more impressed when I learned that in 1937, living in Trail, British … Read more
Down In The Dumps
Sometimes, when situations arise over which I have no control, and I feel particularly overwhelmed, retreating to the comfort of my bed is wonderful. It is especially nice if I am having a good dream. In our dreams, we escape from pain and … Read more
He Gave Life
A friend returned from a blood donor clinic sporting a red Band-Aid® with the words "I gave life". That made me think about blood and how important it is. Blood is life. By the fifth week of pregnancy — the first week that a mother … Read more
Facing Tough Times
In our area, this past winter seemed like a long time coming, but once it started, it seemed that it would never stop. During the month of February, we had very little snow, but bitterly cold winds with low temperatures to match. Many of … Read more
Sweating-Blood Scared
He had proudly denied the existence of God and spewed nothing but hate for Him, but that was before he lay on his death bed. The movie, God's Not Dead, details the story of a battle between a college freshman and an atheist philosophy … Read more
Servant King
Recently, I attended the memorial service of a Christian friend. While I have gone to many such events, this one impacted me as no other has done. This woman's life, from the time she became a Christian, was one of service to others. The … Read more
The To-Do List
Climbing up onto the stable roof and re-tarring all the rolled asphalt shingling is not my idea of fun. In fact, it's one of the last things that I ever wanted to see on my to-do list. And yet there it was: "tar barn roof". Oh me, oh my! … Read more
His Last Miracle
It was His last miracle. When Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, one of His disciples tried to defend Christ with a sword and ended up cutting off the ear of one of the high priest's guards. It was a valiant effort, but a … Read more
The Problem Of Pain
We were worming the livestock when the first goat injected began screaming in pain and then promptly fainted. Then, her sister, the next in line, repeated her performance. Alarmed at their reaction, we contacted the vet, who asked us to … Read more
Jesus Christ In Isaiah
In a world with so many different spiritual writings, why should anyone pay special attention to the Bible as a revelation from God? For me, convincing evidence comes from the fact that Isaiah, living 700 years prior to Jesus' time … Read more
Anxiety Attack
I can remember taking an anxiety attack several years ago. One night, I woke with shortness of breath, and my heart was racing. I didn't know what was happening, and I feared the worst. I had no chest pains, and … Read more