In many years of ministry, I have seen people who were truly thankful to God for help and healing. Their lives were changed in a single moment, so they devoted themselves to worshipping and serving God for the rest of their days. I, also, … Read more
Search Results for: "Luke 17:"
The Glory Of The Lord
After all the excitement, anticipation, and research, we set out to see the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. We put the location of Port Rowan, Ontario, Canada, into the GPS, and arrived at this picturesque little town at lunchtime. … Read more
The Tiny Ones
Travelling through the mountains offers many fabulous views. One which I find most inspiring is when I encounter the bison. You can see the males from a great distance away. Suddenly, your eye will discern this large dark spot in the … Read more
Sufficient Faith
A short while ago, a person who is very dear to me said that she sometimes questions the adequacy of her faith. Amidst all the busyness of life, all the many struggles and issues that she and we all have to face, her faith sometimes gets … Read more
Mountain-Moving Faith
Perhaps you've occasionally been rebuked with these words: "You just need to have more faith!" Years ago, I received that rebuke. I knew that it was meant to boost my faith effort. But instead, I felt guilty for not believing hard enough; … Read more
As I was doing my daily Bible reading in 1 Samuel 15, I came to the part where Saul is confronted by Samuel because, instead of destroying the Amalekites as the Lord commanded, he didn't finish the job. He got "creative" by sparing King … Read more
The Letter P
Recently, I met a person on the main street who offered to sell me a treasure map. He said, "I have marked the letter X where this treasure is located in the St. Lawrence River. You will be a very rich man if you buy this treasure map from … Read more
Being Thankful
This past Christmas, I became more and more aware of the commercialism of the season. We were talking to one family in which everybody buys a present for everybody in the family. Certainly, there are financial constraints arising from … Read more
Thanksgiving Reflection
Every year at this time, memories of family get-togethers at my sister's home flood my mind. For a period of fifteen years, we would travel north from Pasadena, to Fresno, California, USA, to spend the American Thanksgiving holiday … Read more
Two Eggs, Two Destinies
Imagine me holding before you two eggs. To your eye, they look perfectly identical. But they are not the same. Not at all! Their shells look alike, but the eggs are entirely different — with two entirely opposite destinies. This … Read more
No Extra Credit Needed
"Is there anything I can do for extra credit?" I considered the source and the question, one that I had been asked quite a few times. Occasionally, I consent, but most of the time, I utter a simple "No." What I really want to say is, "If … Read more
Satan's Field Day
Many years ago, Edmund Burke, a British statesman, said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." One just has to watch the news on the television, read the newspaper, or listen to people's … Read more
Please Forgive Me
He was a devious, tumultuous, impetuous, mischievous little brat. He was a bit of a troublemaker, always instigating a disturbance. He was forever being scolded by someone. His quick and seemingly sincere comeback was always, "I'm sorry; … Read more
The Master's Touch
Over the course of my life, I have always coveted the limited time in which I have pursued oil painting. As a busy pastor, I rarely seem to find the time. For a birthday, my son, Jeff, encouraged me to … Read more
The Great Blondin
In 1859, The Great Blondin became the first of many tightrope walkers to make the death-defying walk 175 feet above the Niagara Gorge from Canada into the United States. Blondin crossed the tightrope pushing a wheelbarrow, or on a bicycle, … Read more
From The Ancient Ruins
During the summer of 1976 and soon after graduating high school, I had the opportunity to travel abroad. Being a young teenager at the time, I did not fully appreciate the significance of many historical places. Of all the interesting … Read more
Tree Pulling
I like to garden — but I don't like pulling weeds. I especially don't like pulling up weed trees that are growing in the middle of a flower bed or vegetable garden. Even more, I detest uprooting volunteer trees that shoot off roots of a … Read more
Kingdom Days
For many years now, I have started each day of my life by anointing my forehead with oil, and asking the Lord for "Your righteousness, peace, and joy to be flowing throughout my whole being, spirit, soul, and body, so that I may live … Read more
The New Barn
After some years, "The Farm", as we call it, stood vacant. The old barn was long gone, and only a silo marked where it had been. One day, it was contemplated that a new barn be erected, and over the … Read more
The Object Of Our Faith
The other day, my VCR broke down, and one of my friends came to me and said, "If you let me take that with me, I know someone who can fix it!" My faith in this man's ability to fix … Read more
Two-Foot Tornado
I have always been a neat person. I like things to be put in their place. If you want to spin me up, then mess up a room. When I get home from work, I like to sit down and … Read more
Sunset And Lightning
Here in mid-western Canada, an unusual phenomenon occurs. Perhaps because of the vast expanse of sky and the absence of pollution and humidity, we can often see a sunset in the east as well as in the west. The sun … Read more
Give Him Praise
Earlier last year, my brother was lying in a coma and his brain activity had almost ceased. I thought that this was it for him. I was making arrangements to fly home so I could be there when he passed … Read more
Mustard Seed Faith
When I read about what faith the size of a mustard seed can do, I am sometimes chastened and sometimes gladdened, and I always realize how small my faith is, compared to what God intends for us. I am chastened … Read more