My nose was blocked with mucus, and it was so serious that I had to breathe from my mouth. I know that it sounds absurd, but I was afraid that when I would sleep at night, I might forget to breathe through my mouth, and I would die. The … Read more
Search Results for: "Luke 16:"
Little Things Mean A Lot
As I talk to others about their marriages, they say that it is the small things that either keep them together or end the marriage. A few poorly chosen words can make a spouse's mind spiral out of control, and voices can be raised. … Read more
The Poor Among Us
Through media reports of displaced refugees, and even close to home, we are confronted with the poor in the world on a daily basis. I was discussing this with a friend one day, and we concluded that each one of us in our own way would try … Read more
Fire Extinguishers And Bibles
We moved into the house that we are living in now just over three years ago and we saw that there were smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in various places throughout the house. Due to the fact that our minds were totally set … Read more
As For Me …
All through the years, there have been people who believed in God, others who did not, and yet others who did or do when it suits them or when they think they need God. It has always been like that. Many years ago, there were many … Read more
Could We Do It?
By now, most of the North American continent, if not the world, knows of the finding and rescue of Rita Chretien of Penticton, British Columbia, Canada. This extraordinary woman survived for 49 days from March 19th to May 6th, stuck … Read more
Recently, I was faced with an obstruction, a short queue of cars, and a set of traffic lights. The lights were changing to red, so I slowed down to wait for them to go green again. Apparently, this was all … Read more
Scottish Grace
Scottish people sing the hymn "Amazing Grace" differently from the rest of the world. This is because of bagpipes — and no, it's not because we become tone deaf through constantly hearing them. It's because most Scots grow up hearing … Read more
Throwing Out Junk
Last summer I decided to clean out my workshed. As I was going through the shed, I found a big box of old phonograph records. I thought that, since I do not have a record player, these records were not … Read more
My wife and I recently attended a concert given at a local church by combined choirs of local churches and the Oklahoma Baptist Symphony. From where we sat, I could watch the harpist, but noticed that there were times that … Read more
Please Let Sally Say Hello
When out walking my dog, I know how beneficial it can be to all parties involved, to make introductions all around — dogs to dogs, humans to humans, dogs to humans. It just settles the air ahead of time and … Read more
A Beautiful Farewell
I had been to several in the space of a month. One was almost admonishing the deceased for the lack of church attendance and left most of us feeling let down. One was very uplifting, each word spoken as if … Read more