Search Results for: "Jonah 2:"

Quiet, Be Still

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Interestingly, the event described in Mark's Gospel is the only time that we catch a glimpse of Jesus sleeping during His ministry. The day's teaching left Him exhausted, seeking privacy and rest. Nothing could disturb Him — not even … Read more

The Jaws Of Life

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Several weeks ago, I heard the news that my cousin had been in a terrible car accident. The paramedics had to use a device called the Jaws of Life in order to pull him out of the wreckage. My cousin was told by the paramedics that it was … Read more

Our Gracious And Patient Father

Monday, February 24, 2003

Today I received a gentle and friendly reminder of just how gracious and patient our dear heavenly Father is. Some two years ago, I made a vow to the Lord that I would consistently write devotional messages, as He provided … Read more

Six Weeks

Thursday, November 8, 2001

Anyone who has experienced bringing a new baby home knows the excitement generated amongst family and friends. Baby showers abound. People pop in to take a peek at the precious, new, little life. They want to hold them, cradle them, … Read more

Going To Grandma's

Sunday, January 16, 2000

It's Sunday and I hesitate to leave the comfort of my bed. I push the snooze button on the alarm and drift back off to sleep. Minutes later, the alarm goes off again, and I drag myself out of bed … Read more

Safety And Salvation

Monday, January 10, 2000

Just ten days ago, we watched television coverage of New Year's Eve celebrations. The television networks marked this historic event by providing images from every continent on the globe. People could be heard shouting "Happy New Year" in many countries … Read more

A Miserable Mariner

Monday, June 30, 1997

OK, so I was stupid. I can be forgiven for a bit of stupidity. I sailed over to Pictou Island to spend the night in the safety of the Western Wharf with my family. The next morning I planned to … Read more

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