Recently, our whole family went out for dinner at a special pizza restaurant. The menu was amazing, and we all looked forward to eating our chosen meals. Our two-year-old granddaughter, Ellie, was there, too, but as she couldn't read the … Read more
Search Results for: "John 6:"
The Stairway
A stone tower, 32 metres (104 feet) high, stands on Svatobor, a hill near the town of Sušice in Czechia. Reconstructed in 1935, it serves as an observation point, allowing hikers and tourists a stunning view of Sušice and of the … Read more
The Bread Of Life
Years ago, Granny gave me her recipe for bannock bread, which is a neat, round loaf baked on a flat sheet in the oven. It is simple food for plain people, but so satisfying. When I make it, it is not only delicious to eat, but baking it … Read more
Don't Be Afraid
I don't know anyone right now who isn't worried about the future because of the war in Ukraine. We're all hoping and praying that it doesn't escalate because it's the nearest we've been to a nuclear conflict since the 1960s. The threat of … Read more
Where Is Your Heart?
One day in 1947, my dad mentioned that he had not seen his father for over a week. So, the two of us went over to see him. He was sick in bed — really sick. Dad went and got the doctor to see what was wrong with him. The doctor went … Read more
Bread From Heaven
For the people in the Netherlands during what is called the Hunger Winter of 1944-1945, things were desperate. The country had been occupied for almost five years. It was a very cold winter, there was very little fuel left, food was in … Read more
The Moral Way To Eat
Recently, I heard the following advice from a scientist explaining digestion: Before eating, pause and take a few moments to be thankful. This allows your brain time to signal your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for … Read more
Ordinary People Doing God's Work
During the period between 2003 and 2004, I spent a considerable amount of time researching and writing the history of Presbyterians here in Meaford, Ontario, Canada, from 1854 to 2004. I found the names of the thirty ministers and student … Read more
The Window On My World
As I look out of the window on my world this morning, I am reminded, once again, of how much I need to thank our Lord for all of the beauty that He has created, for all of His blessings, and most importantly, for all of His love. I also … Read more
Help For The Hurting
It was a regular day at home. As I went about my usual activities, the doorbell rang. I made my way to answer the ring. What a surprise! A policeman stood before me. Thoughts were racing through my mind: "Why would this policeman be here? … Read more
What Are You Throwing Away?
In Canada, we waste about 50 percent of the food that we buy. Just imagine what effect that has on our budgets, our garbage, and our economy! We are all just too fussy. One friend throws out leftovers because she is tired of eating the … Read more
What's It Worth?
My grandson accidentally let go of his six-year-old sister's new birthday balloon. Just minutes previously, she'd been thrilled to receive a shiny, foil-coated balloon depicting her favourite Frozen characters. But filled with helium, it … Read more
The Word Of Life
As a writer, I always use a thesaurus to help me to choose a word that will best communicate the idea that I want to convey. A thesaurus is also useful in selecting a different word with the same meaning in order to get my point across … Read more
The Bread Of Life
I enjoy toast for breakfast. Peanut butter and jam is my favourite morning fare on bread, and has been for years. It's good to know that peanut butter, in moderation, is good for you — protein, right? I love a sandwich for lunch, but in … Read more
Life Goes On
From January 1967 until December 1970, we lived in Vienna, Austria. At that time, Vienna had two major-league soccer teams, one near to where we lived and the other not too far away. Quite often on a Saturday afternoon, our young son and … Read more
In The House Of My Friends
Today's Scriptures bring back memories of a time when a dear friend turned against me and complained to other members of the church. I felt shocked, betrayed, and abandoned by someone I had trusted. Nonetheless, the personal pain that I … Read more
What Are So Few Bibles?
Yesterday, God answered a question that I had asked in a moment of discouragement over 42 years ago — and I was blessed beyond words! A friend and I had taken Bibles with us into Russia, even though it involved considerable danger, … Read more
What's In Your Hand?
The pastor of my new church has been preaching verse by verse through the book of Exodus. I like his expository approach, as it's helped me to examine the Scriptures carefully. In particular, I was struck by the verses in today's passage. … Read more
It's Called Balance
Lately, my mind has been taken up with food, as I continue to pursue my weight-loss goals. I have found during this quest that the television ads are not my friends. I cannot venture a guess as to what percentage of them are focused on … Read more
The Italian Market
When I was a young boy, my grandfather often took me to Ninth Street in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, popularly known as The Italian Market. Vendors would openly sell meat, poultry, fish, fruit, vegetables, and especially … Read more
Incorruptible Seed
Not long ago, a friend and I were discussing the term "born again". I mentioned how the image presented in today's Scripture has helped me personally to define this experience. I picture the Word of God as a seed, which by the power of … Read more
Establishing Priorities
When my career in education (now in its fifty-first year) began to move towards administration, I enrolled in a course called "In the Vice-Principal's Chair". It was an event on Thursday evening and all day Friday. On Thursday evening, … Read more
Sunday Buns — A Labour Of Love
Water, salt, sugar, oil, flour, and yeast. It's bread! Well, it could be! Most Saturdays, you will find my wife making buns for our church lunch on Sunday. She has done this for years now. They are delicious. But what goes into them? … Read more
Popularity Or Bust
I wasn't then, but I wanted to be. I'm still not, but I no longer care.
I was an ordinary kid. Not oooed- and ahhed-over by the girls. Not the teacher's pet. Didn't make straight As or have perfect attendance. I was skinny, freckle-faced, … Read more
Giving Thanks
Every fall, we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, a day set aside to give thanks for all the blessings in our lives. But do people actually do this, or is it just another day off? For a number of reasons, through time … Read more
The Four Cups
On an outing, my husband always manages to end up at a Christian bookstore, not that he is looking for something particular, but in browsing around, he never leaves the store empty-handed. On this particular day, I was the one … Read more
Walking And Talking
My pooch loves her walks far more than I enjoy them on these wintery days. She is a double-furred dog who loves the cold and snow. From the way she pulls me when we walk, she would make a fine … Read more
The Bread Of Life
My granddaughter planned her very first family Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. As the pots boiled and the turkey cooked in the oven, we anticipated partaking in the feast. We did not disappoint her with our thanks. She was … Read more