A familiar tune that's heard throughout the Christmas season is Elvis Presley's "Blue Christmas". Whether it's Presley's powerful voice, the strings of some instrumental, or the strains of friends pouring out their hearts in song, it is … Read more
Search Results for: "John 16:"
Discerning The Spirits
I still white-knuckle it when I recall fishing in Alaska with my friends. It was one of those picture-perfect days, and the guide found great spots for us to flyfish from the shore. When it got slow, we would move on to other spots, making … Read more
The Clumsy Puppy
Ruby is an Irish Setter. Setters are tall dogs with long legs. At five months of age, some days, Ruby's long legs cause her a great deal of trouble. She careens around corners, ending up on her side with four lanky legs flying out in … Read more
The Sacred Place Of Loneliness
One morning, while I was at my computer, my 15-year-old son interrupted my thoughts with these words: "Mom, do you know what the biggest problem in society is? It is loneliness!" He had no idea that, at that very moment, my fingers were … Read more
The Walker
I've recently started using a walker in the house. It helps my balance when I am moving around. It also proves to be very useful if I need to carry something from one place to another. I just load it up and I'm on my way. The seat comes in … Read more
Live In Peace; Leave Worry
This year, I will be resigning from what I have considered to be a home for me: the school here in the Philippines that provided me with a scholarship to continue with my studies in secondary education. It eventually became the workplace … Read more
The Clariton
Recently, I listened to a BBC radio programme called The Life Scientific with guest interviewee Professor Sir Michael Berry, a physicist, born in 1941, who reviewed his life's work with … Read more
Fear Collides With Faith
One summer, my fear of heights collided with my faith. I was helping with a group of children and youth at our church on a trip to a water park. There was a gigantic water slide with many bumps and curves, and the top was several flights … Read more
Seeing The Big Picture
In September of my high school graduation year, ceremonies were over, and I was heading off to the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. My dad had always wanted me to pursue a higher education, and I looked forward to a new … Read more
The Unfolding
I have several beautiful cutwork tablecloths — a fabric design that incorporates embroidery or lace with parts of the fabric cut out to accent shapes. When they are folded up in the drawer, they don't look much different than any of the … Read more
Bare Cupboards
At one time, brightly coloured classroom bulletin boards displayed nursery rhymes that were used in primary and elementary schools to teach children the sounds, patterns, rhythm, and rhyme of reading. The following rhyme represented a … Read more
Waiting Under His Wings
A most difficult thing for me to deeply comprehend is that a loving God allows troubles into my life. He tells us to be prepared at all times by faith, knowing that He has a plan for each of us, and that includes both easy and difficult … Read more
Alone, Yet Not Alone!
I'm living the new normal! No one said that life was easy, and honestly, this journey without my husband is anything but easy! However, Christ encourages us with these words: As I travel this road alone, yet not alone, I give thanks for … Read more
The Realignment
Agnes, my goat, was limping along over the icy path. I decided that this called for investigation. After a thorough look, I opted to call the veterinarian for some advice. "Keep an eye on it, give her some medication you have on hand, and … Read more
A Time Of Uncertainty
What is happening on our planet? Wildfires are raging in one part of our world, devastating hurricanes and tornadoes are destroying buildings and lives in other parts of our planet, and protests and an impending war are headlining the … Read more
The Sacred Place Of Loneliness
One morning, while I was at my computer, my 15-year-old son interrupted my thoughts with these words: "Mom, do you know what the biggest problem in society is? It is loneliness!" He had no idea that at that very moment my fingers were … Read more
Simply For The Asking
My parents were very close, in love all their married lives, and it showed. They also had great faith, and that showed as well. At age 65, my dad was killed. A few weeks after his funeral, I asked my mum how she could keep going. With … Read more
The Missing Piece
They stream out of the store, carts crammed with piles of groceries, assorted Christmas items, wreaths, toys, candy canes, chocolates, huge frozen turkeys, and the occasional clinging child. A few people notice me standing beside the … Read more
Be Of Good Cheer
One of my brothers-in-law has had some serious health issues this year. He has spent many weeks in hospital, endured innumerable tests, and undergone several surgeries. After many attempts at resolution, all of which were ultimately … Read more
Call On The Expert
Occasionally, my husband and I argue over a matter that neither of us knows enough about, like our current roofing issue. Wrestling over such matters is a silly waste of energy and a needless source of strain. These are times to simply … Read more
Coincidence Or The Holy Spirit?
Last Sunday during the worship service in my local church, our pastor was preaching about the importance of sharing our faith with one another. At one point in his sermon, he stepped down from the pulpit and began to walk slowly down the … Read more
For My Name's Sake
Today marks the one-hundredth anniversary of the Armenian genocide, an event that occurred during the Ottoman Empire. It was on this date, April 24th, 1915, that several thousand Armenian intellectuals in Turkey were rounded up, arrested, … Read more
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
I was out on my back deck enjoying the cool air that followed the heavy rain that had just fallen. It was such a welcome break from the humidity that we had been experiencing. As I stood there, I noticed a tiny spider crawling into the … Read more
My Heart Sings
Last night, I was listening to the late news, and it was all doom and gloom: wars, devastating floods, murders. Why did I bother to listen to all of this upsetting stuff just before bedtime? I turned to a channel where I knew a good … Read more
Rocks, Tree Stumps, And Crevices
It was a dreary, windy, and cloudy day as some of us went for a long walk to "Gerry's Point". Gerry was one of the friends with whom we had gone camping on Manitoulin Island and who had passed away. One day a few years before, as he went … Read more
The Way Of Life
Don't you just hate it when it appears that evil has won at the game of life? The guilty party gets off on a technicality; the person always causing problems on the board refuses to step down, which leads to the loss of good leaders; the … Read more