I have cherished memories from my earliest days, memories I return to more often the older I get. One of the greatest treats of childhood was taking the train from Summerside to Coleman on Prince Edward Island, Canada. The train was … Read more
Search Results for: "John 14:"
A Promise Kept
I was just about to sink into the relaxed quiet at the end of a busy day when the telephone rang. It was a nurse calling from the local nursing home. She explained that one of the residents was near death and that her family was asking … Read more
Trust In The Lord
In 1983, the administrator of the local nursing home, Doris, initiated the construction of a 21-unit apartment complex for seniors next to the nursing home. Word came to me in a roundabout way that the newly formed Board of Directors … Read more
Adaptations In The Desert
Some unusual plants grow in the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona, USA. My husband and I read about them as we explored the Ajo Mountain Drive, a 21-mile (34-kilometre) driving loop in Organ Pipe National Monument. The park is named … Read more
The Right Path
One wintry day, my husband and I were walking at the golf course, which has a trail that, along much of its way, parallels the river to our left. We hoped to see some overwintering river birds. At first, however, the river wasn't visible. … Read more
The Messenger Came With Good News
Is there life after death? Yes! Before Alzheimer's disease robbed my mother Leanora of her memory, my sister and I went to the funeral home with Mom to make funeral arrangements. Looking back today, I have to say that Mom was realistic … Read more
The Stairway
A stone tower, 32 metres (104 feet) high, stands on Svatobor, a hill near the town of Sušice in Czechia. Reconstructed in 1935, it serves as an observation point, allowing hikers and tourists a stunning view of Sušice and of the … Read more
Tutu-Wearing Angel
This is my second day home from South Carolina, USA, where my daughter lives, and I have done nothing but rest. Keeping up with a young family takes a toll on an old woman like me. We stayed up one night until 2:00 a.m. watching a movie. I … Read more
The Amen Corner
On a recent Sunday morning, I noticed one of our newer church members walking in the door. I greeted him with, "Oh, good, the Amen Corner is here! I miss you when you're gone." He and his mother sit right up front — none of this back row … Read more
The Walker
I've recently started using a walker in the house. It helps my balance when I am moving around. It also proves to be very useful if I need to carry something from one place to another. I just load it up and I'm on my way. The seat comes in … Read more
Live In Peace; Leave Worry
This year, I will be resigning from what I have considered to be a home for me: the school here in the Philippines that provided me with a scholarship to continue with my studies in secondary education. It eventually became the workplace … Read more
It was the week before Christmas, and our young family was asked to take in a foster child, a two-week-old infant. He came with a bare minimum — a grubby bunting bag with a small bottle of milk dampening the corner into which it had been … Read more
Christmas Tree Earring
In March, 2020, my sister-in-law Joanne passed away very unexpectedly. The family of three — Joanne, Caroline (my wife), and Dora (their mum) — were all very close due to the demise of their dad when the girls were but teenagers. Joanne … Read more
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
No doubt you recall the hymn, "What a Friend we have in Jesus". Just typing out these words has me humming the tune. It always seemed like such a happy, upbeat song, especially for children. Not so! I looked up the background of the hymn … Read more
A Family Resemblance
Have you ever heard that saying, "Oh you look just like your father in that photo!"? In many families, there is a striking physical resemblance, or sometimes, it's temperament, talent, or ability. In my mother's family, we share … Read more
Got The Keys
I just received news that a dear Christian lady who went to our church years ago was soon to be taken off life support and was expected to die. Surgery went well, but a blood clot caused a massive stroke that left her in a coma. Since she … Read more
Abiding In God
There are words in the Christian vocabulary that seem archaic, one of which is "abide". As it is used in the Bible, it means staying constantly, or remaining on a continual basis. "Abide" makes me think of an abode, a home, and when I form … Read more
Our Lives Are Fleeting
A dear friend left us last month for her heavenly home. We had been friends for 47 years. I'm so grateful that my husband and I had visited with her in July for what proved to be the last time until we meet again. Joan was to have knee … Read more
Needless Worrying
Over three decades ago, Bobby McFerrin wrote a little song called Don't worry be happy. Do you remember this catchy little song? The lyrics from his song started off: Here's a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note … Read more
Give Peace A Chance
When I was growing up, I loved the music of the Beatles. I listened to their music, saved their newspaper and magazine pictures, and eagerly listened for every detail of their lives. I was only nine years old when John Lennon and Yoko Ono … Read more
Lying To Myself
I was telling myself a big one — lying to myself — and the trouble was that I believed it. My lie began about the time I turned fourteen. It went something like this: "You don't need school." If I didn't need school, I didn't need to … Read more
By Grace Alone
I grew up in the church. My father was a pastor and I was the dutiful first child, so I was at church every time the door opened. That meant Sunday School, Sunday morning church service, Training Union (helping church members grow in their … Read more
Standing In This World
I have had the opportunity to do some sightseeing in Europe. We travelled to Drielandpunt in Vaals. This is a three-country point, where the borders of Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany meet at a small monument marking this geographical … Read more
I have an acquaintance who wakes up each and every day of her life with the absolute conviction that life is just awful and will never get any better. While trying to find help for her to cope with this anxiety, I found that this … Read more
I moved to Nederland last year, and due to COVID-19, I did not celebrate any Christmas or New Year's Day festivals. This year, I found myself so excited about anticipating the coming of Sinterklaas, a legendary figure based on Saint … Read more
The Promise
With the support of my Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Evans, the church, and my parents, I felt that I was being called to become a missionary. God's Spirit encouraged me to share my love for Him as I sang His praises both in and out of the … Read more