During the colder months of the year, the minute our goats hear me outside in the morning, they begin crying out very loudly for their hay ration. Mmmmaaaaaaaaa echoes round and round the dark barnyard until their breakfast hits their … Read more
Search Results for: "Job 23:"
I Did What I Could
Surprise! After three and a half COVID-free years, I had just tested positive. I had hoped that I would continue to be one of the few who would not contract COVID, but it was not to be. I had been as reasonably cautious as anyone in … Read more
The New Addition
Earl Grey came to me after two other families had failed to collect him. He is a grey tabby, and he loves to get into everything. I have discovered him everywhere from inside my mop pail to inside a cloth bag that had been left on the … Read more
Don't Know; Don't Understand
Some things simply cannot be explained because information is missing. Complex sentences are composed of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Like my being dependent on my parents until I reached legal status, the … Read more
Faith Over Feelings
Feelings don't always mirror reality. Frank had hit bottom. He couldn't imagine losing any more than he had already lost. His roller-coaster ride began with his wife's confession of unfaithfulness. He'd had his suspicions, and he had … Read more
Who's To Blame?
These days, we live in a society that is so litigious — "unreasonably prone to go to law to settle disputes". No matter the cause, whenever anything bad happens to someone, the first thought is often, "Who is to blame for this misfortune? … Read more
Fool's Gold
When my brothers and I were young, we avidly collected chunks of mica and pyrite. Because the minerals sparkled and were beautiful, we assumed that they were valuable. Pyrite is known as "fool's gold", because its metallic shimmer and gold … Read more
What's In Your Safe?
As a former coin collector, I have always had a fascination with gold, which is one of our most precious metals. There are several YouTube videos on the Internet that show the painstaking refinement process by which all the dross and … Read more
Asking For Directions
I used to keep today's verse taped to the steering wheel of my car, especially on long trips out of state, because, as you perfectly well know, guys like me don't often ask for directions. Whenever I got lost anywhere, … Read more
As I was thinking about making a jack-o'-lantern, I realized that the poor pumpkin has to go through some pain in order to become a jack-o'-lantern. Yes, I know the pumpkin can't feel anything. Imagine with me, though, for a … Read more
Heavenly Currency
Frances Ridley Havergal is perhaps one of the most well-known hymn writers of the nineteenth century. Her hymn of consecration and service, "Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee," is included in most hymnals. During her … Read more
Reasoning With God
I'm sure we have all had times with family or friends when we need to reason things out with them. I remember a few years ago when I was trying to reason some difficult things out with some friends. None … Read more
A Change Of Plan
Recently I turned on the television. Selecting a channel at random, I found a documentary recording the Alaska earthquake. My mind sped into action. I remembered it as though it were yesterday: my husband and I were northbound up the … Read more
How's My Driving?
Life is a test, and we take a pop quiz on putting our faith into action each day. On the back of my car is a sign that reads, "Erin Presbyterian … the best wee church in town." I want … Read more
Heavenly Currency
I stood looking at the small, austere grave of Frances Ridley Havergal in the graveyard of the church of St. Peter, Astley, Worcestershire, England. I remembered that she not only wrote hymns and composed music, but also set herself the … Read more