There are a few things that I cherish in this life, and hopefully, you'd be surprised by the list. Very few possessions are on that list, and the few that make it have little or no monetary value. Take those old battered cassettes, for … Read more
Search Results for: "Job 12:"
Age Shall Not Weary Them
The older I get, the more that I realize that I have a unique role to play in life. I spent many years in active service to our Lord. I am now at a different point in my faith journey where I have just as much to share, but often with a … Read more
Reclaiming That Easter Bunny
I'll never forget one Easter morning in my childhood. My dad carried our pet rabbit into the house and let it roam freely on the breakfast table. We siblings gleefully watched our cuddly pet hop amongst bowls of coloured eggs. That was … Read more
Optimism And Pessimism
The day came to seek consultation for a lingering health issue that is not of the life-and-death category, but is nevertheless disabling and life-changing, causing limitations. Arthritis is well known to many who silently suffer in its … Read more
Taking The Robin's Lead
Most days, as I walk through the gully which has a series of stairs, trails, and bridges behind our home, invariably, a robin flies before me, stops, and waits until I almost reach the point where it has stopped, then flies further ahead. … Read more
The Fall Of A Sparrow
Recently, I made the tough and painful decision to put my beloved dog, Ally, to sleep. This was one of the hardest things I ever had to do, as I struggled with feelings of guilt and doubt about taking a life, even if that life were only a … Read more
Absence Of Light
As my daughter and I wait for her bus in the morning before school, we often play with shadows. She tries to make her shadow look taller than mine. We step on each other's shadows. Our shadows do what we … Read more
Carry Your Sword
Recently, I had to go into a Provincial Court building. Not thinking ahead about the security measures now in place, I was not quite prepared for what awaited me. I arrived, and when I took a look around, I thought … Read more
The Greatest Churchman I Ever Knew
My mom's father, the Reverend James C. Madison, was close to 80 when he died, eight years ago. For many years, Grandpa had served faithfully as a minister in North Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana, USA, and was one of the … Read more
Do You Listen To Your Pet?
Eight years ago, when our eldest daughters were off to university, I broke down and got another dog. We had been "dogless" for five years, and this one was to be for our younger daughter, "to keep her company". It … Read more