Search Results for: "Isaiah 57:"

Beat The Heat

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The power of the sun beating down on the earth is oppressive. Every living thing wilts as dehydration begins. Leaves and flowers dip their heads as moisture evaporates. Animals seek shade in an effort to find relief. Human movements and … Read more

Waiting On The Lord Gives Endurance #4

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The ten-kilometre Sun Run is being advertised on our local television station as I write this. To run for a cause seems to give one enough energy to finish, even with muscles screaming and lungs straining for air. The runners … Read more

Clearing The Way

Saturday, September 13, 2008

They've been working on the main road next to our subdivision for over three years and they still haven't finished it. It's only about a mile long, but there are some nasty bends to negotiate, so the contractors are trying … Read more

Changed Ways

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Davie was a wild, reckless boy who wouldn't accept discipline, deadlines, or duties. He did his own thing, and when I met him, he had turned into a sour, drug-addicted man. He used to shout a lot when he was … Read more

Kind Words, Roses And Hummingbirds

Friday, October 10, 2003

Throughout my life, especially while experiencing the loss of our parents, and including the past ten years as a volunteer with those who are terminally ill and bereaved, I've found God's comforting graciousness expressed in many, many wonderful ways. Recently, … Read more

True Or False?

Wednesday, July 3, 2002

There have been times in my life when God has "long been silent", not because He had nothing to say to me, but because I was not in the mood to listen. My Bible, while sitting on the bookshelf, had … Read more

Emotional Healing

Thursday, January 7, 1999

During a time in my life when I was in a whirlwind of emotional pain and confusion, and wanting so much to do whatever it took to find release and direction, a friend came alongside me and kept pouring truth … Read more

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