Over the years, as I've been privileged to travel in a variety of countries, I've seen many unusual sights. One of the most memorable was when my sister and I stayed in Venice, Italy, for a few days before a cruise. We were walking through … Read more
Search Results for: "Isaiah 40:"
Not One Of Them Is Missing
I love pre-lit Christmas trees! What's not to love? We pull them out of the box, and WOW! — instant light. No untangling strings of lights or wrapping miles of lights round and round the tree. They are always perfectly positioned with … Read more
Letting Go
Recently, my husband and I were at our local fast-food restaurant enjoying their one-dollar coffee and warm apple pie. At the next table, two ladies were having a conversation. I picked up the conversation where one said to the other, … Read more
Extravagant Dimensions
Riding in the back seat, our two small boys were excited as we neared Redwood National Park in California, USA. We told them that we would soon see very old giant trees. As we got out of the car and walked to one of the ancient Sequoias, … Read more
God's Waiting Room
Almost a year ago, I was in between two options concerning a major decision in my life, and I was really expecting a definite answer from God. During those two weeks, I wasn't settled, and I didn't do a lot of my normal, necessary … Read more
My New Motorized Walker
I have been dealing with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) since being diagnosed back in 2023. In my life before AS, I was actively involved in daily exercise, which included walking and weight lifting. The absence of that lifetime activity has … Read more
Climbing Mountains
A year ago, I was diagnosed with a ten-inch hernia that could not be operated on until I lost 100 pounds. So far, I have lost 40 pounds, but because of the hernia, I cannot exercise or even walk very far. Last Christmas Day, the hernia … Read more
Preparing The Way
Over the years, I've observed numerous nativity displays and dramas. Some took a lot to prepare, such as the nativity performed in the 1970s in our family barn. The Young Peoples Society of the church decided to enact the event amidst … Read more
Bites On The Fly
As I mowed the grass this week, I was so mesmerized by the barn swallows that swooped and dove in front of my mower. They migrate back to this area in late April — a sure sign that spring is on the way for us. They set up housekeeping in … Read more
Our Unexpected Journey
On July 24th, 2022, our daughter's husband walked out on her, and thus began our unexpected journey. Their three-bedroom house had to be vacated and everything brought to our garage, which became wall-to-wall bins. The house needed some … Read more
Throw Your Arms Around His Neck And Hold On!
Since coyotes roam this area, I always try to get my cat in at night. One evening, I waited until dark to go out. My granddaughter Riley was here and wanted to go with me. We called and called but with no response. We walked out further … Read more
The Tarahne
The Tarahne is an historical boat in dry dock on the shores of Atlin Lake in the town of Atlin, British Columbia, Canada. Once upon a time, she sailed upon the waters of the lake, full of tourists, and being useful as she delivered goods … Read more
A Turkey Or An Eagle In A Storm?
Have you faced storms in your life? I think that I could safely ask who of us has not! Now the question is, do we react like a turkey or an eagle? A turkey and an eagle react differently to the threat of a storm. A turkey reacts by … Read more
Lord, Have Mercy
It was 1940. I was just a six-year-old boy. I heard my parents, relatives, and friends talking about the possibilities of war in the place where we lived. I did not understand what that meant, and they explained to me that soldiers from … Read more
Throughout The Ages
During the COVID-19 shutdown, for more than a year and a half now, Greta and I have watched a great number of services on YouTube from a church in the Netherlands, which we attended a number of times when we went there on a family visit. … Read more
Mountain-Moving Faith
Perhaps you've occasionally been rebuked with these words: "You just need to have more faith!" Years ago, I received that rebuke. I knew that it was meant to boost my faith effort. But instead, I felt guilty for not believing hard enough; … Read more
Our Best Walking Buddy
What's better than an enthusiastic walking buddy to get us out of the house, even when the weather outside is frightful? I'm blessed to have such a friend. She's an ideal walking buddy because she stretches me. She's young, adventurous, … Read more
What Is Our Word Worth?
I recently upgraded my vehicle from a 2014 Terrain to a 2017 Terrain. I now had to sell my 2014 vehicle. I mentioned it to my neighbour, and right away, she said that she was interested. Thinking that it needed only brakes, I committed to … Read more
Aging On Wings Like Eagles
Watching our babies take their first precarious steps is exhilarating, but emotions run deep when tiptoeing around the delicate topic of aging! If we trusted in Scripture, we would be entering this new era on wings like eagles. Instead, … Read more
A Modern Parable
Margaret Fishback Powers is the author of the poem Footprints in the Sand. The poem appears on pillows, cups, and posters. The theme of the poem is that Jesus is the caring one. Lillian Daniel has a contemporary version of a similar … Read more
The Flower's Beauty
My nephew has a green thumb. Flowers and plants just seem to bloom and flourish under his skillful care. His home is adorned with healthy, luscious leaves and different shapes, varieties, and colours of beautiful flowers. However, I do … Read more
Lessons Learned
I was asked to write about the lessons that I learned while I was living with a broken arm. Here is one prayer that I prayed in various ways through my trauma, based on today's verse: Lord, I grasp for You now … where before I only … Read more
On The Wings Of Eagles
The crisp chill of winter has bid its farewell where I live in Bochum, Germany. In its place, spring has heralded its arrival, with fresh breezes rippling through grasses scattered with colourful bursts of daffodils, awakening the world … Read more
Shoe Buttons
Inside her roughly built pioneer cabin were treasures. Carefully folded deep inside an old trunk, my great-grandmother's homemade blue Victorian wedding dress rested. Beside it sat her high button black leather shoes and her Bible. I … Read more
Living In The Hand Of God
When I was young, back in the Alaskan bush, we had to fly in and out of mining camps as my father and grandfather were prospectors. There were no year-round roads, due to seasonal melting of the permafrost. One time when the plane didn't … Read more
The Making Way
Early this year, my daughter, her husband, and baby granddaughter came to live with me. A business opportunity in town had presented itself, and they decided to buy it and move home. How wonderful is this! was my first thought. My … Read more
God's Comfort For All
As a long-time pastoral care volunteer at the local Long Term Care Facility, I have had occasion to comfort residents who were having a tough time coping, either mentally, physically, or spiritually, which I have always done to the best of … Read more
Black Velvet
Years ago, I had a favourite black velvet pant suit. I wore it everywhere and any time the occasion called for it. It was very well made, and it stood up remarkably to all the wash and wear. But alas, it finally began to fade, and I … Read more