Lately, I have been having trouble seeing correctly. The ophthalmologist tells me I have cataracts on both eyes, so I will have surgery later in January. The cataracts are impairing my sight more in one eye than in the other. My son set my … Read more
Search Results for: "Hebrews 12:"
Near The Cross
It was October 1968 during my first year of training towards ordination that a group of us men invaded the home of a saintly eighty-year-old lady for the purpose of encouraging her in her faith by having what was then called a Cottage … Read more
Laundry Day
How do you feel about a pile of laundry that needs to be done? For me, it is my go-to chore — the one job that I always make time for: filling the washer with my favourite detergent, pre-treating the stains, putting in some heavy work … Read more
A Good Shaking
The city of Ottawa, Canada, where I live, is on an active seismic fault line, and we occasionally experience earth tremors. As a college dorm student, years ago, one such tremor at night woke us all up by shaking our bunk beds, and at … Read more
The Mountain Of God
I have been to the west coast of Mexico a few times, and the approach to Puerta Vallarta is always memorable. The airplane arcs over the grey dragon-spine of the Sierra Madre Mountains and circles over the sparkling sea to make its landing … Read more
God's Grace Is An Active Thing
I shared the workplace lunchroom one day with a co-worker who held very little hope about society's future, and declared that he would never bring children into this world. A little later, he discussed his upcoming wedding plans. As I … Read more
Being Chastened
When I was in high school, English literature, history, and languages were exciting and pleasant in which to immerse myself. Math and chemistry were a different matter! I had an English teacher who saw in me a love for writing and reading, … Read more
Cleaning House
I am not a systematic house cleaner. I tend to clean as I go, or set time aside for a larger task. Sometimes, finding an unexpected cobwebbed corner will push me into action, but it's a not a favourite activity. Cleaning up my spiritual … Read more
The Right Focus
"One, two, three, eyes on me!" I would sing to my Grade One class. I needed to get their attention at the beginning of the lesson to give them instructions and to start teaching them. If they were noisy or if they had wandered from the … Read more
When Grace Is Missing
I attended a Christian retreat where the guest speaker asked this thought-provoking question: "How would you feel if God pardoned a repentant murderer who prayed a simple prayer of salvation from his deathbed?" At first, a hush fell over … Read more
The Misdirected Energy
I had walked up to the main house to start the wood stove, as my family was away and the temperature was quickly dropping. As I turned the handle of the back door, preparing to go into the porch and bring in a load of kindling, I heard a … Read more
Grampy's Cassettes
There are a few things that I cherish in this life, and hopefully, you'd be surprised by the list. Very few possessions are on that list, and the few that make it have little or no monetary value. Take those old battered cassettes, for … Read more
Running On
When I was in high school, I used to enjoy long-distance running. Going around the track twenty times or more gave me moments of solitude and clarity that enabled me to find solutions to some of the problems and issues that I faced as a … Read more
Pushing Our Buttons
Have you someone in your life who is angry and resentful, who really knows how to bug you, who knows your weaknesses and how to exploit them, who pushes your buttons? I have certainly worked with such people in my career; one individual … Read more
Press Onward!
Tickly feelings on my fingers awakened me from my snooze in the recliner. I opened my eyes to see beady eyes glaring up at me. It was a wee mouse scampering onto my hand. In reflecting back, I'm less amazed by the little creature's … Read more
The Big Move
How many times have you moved in your lifetime? It always amazes me to learn that some people live in the same house their entire lives, perhaps never even travelling more than five or ten miles from the place that they were born. … Read more
Minimum Wage $15 Per Hour
Listening to recent discussions about an acceptable minimum wage, I remembered how fortunate that I was to have received good training from godly parents using principles based on the Bible. I was born during the Great Depression before … Read more
Looking To Jesus
When I first became a Christian, I gave my heart to Jesus at a weekly Gospel Club which was held in an old Gothic church in my hometown of Glasgow, Scotland. At the club each week, we sang many gospel hymns and choruses, all of which drew … Read more
What Is Worship?
"ALL WORSHIP CANCELLED" announced the sign in front of a church in my neighbourhood. In response to COVID-19 regulations, most churches have cancelled their Sunday services for a period of time. That's what the sign was meant to convey. … Read more
Two Hovering Clouds
Today, I'm thinking about two humongous clouds, both hovering over us. One cloud is a tiny virus engulfing the world in its ominous shadow. We've all paid plenty of attention to that cloud. But how much attention have we paid to the other … Read more
The Cloud Of Witnesses
My father passed away suddenly when I was fifteen, and well I remember the stunned disbelief of family and friends at the loss of a vibrant, gifted husband and dad. In my memory, the funeral was surreal and muted; the still, pale figure in … Read more
Jesus' Joy
Have you ever had joy in doing a difficult task? Was your joy related to the expected outcome? The writer of the Biblical letter to the Hebrews tells us that Jesus had joy in His perspective even when enduring the cross, in what we see as … Read more
A Cloud Of Witnesses
Spring is coming, and track season is just around the corner. This means that I'll soon be spending many hours in the bleachers watching my grandson Ryan's high school track meets as he runs sprints, relays, and hurdles. Runners wear … Read more
Lord, I Come
Recently in my Bible reading, I have particularly noticed several verses that could well serve us as new year's resolutions: As I was going through my filing cabinet removing old files in readiness for the coming year, I came across … Read more
I have never mastered the art of ice-skating, so it amazes me to see tiny tots staggering around the rink, somehow keeping their balance on two razor-thin blades. Red cheeks and sparkling eyes are almost hidden under a helmet with a cage … Read more
After a Sunday lunch of baked salmon, it fell to me to wash up. Imagine my surprise when our non-stick silicone baking mat was no longer as originally intended. Years of baking had left a layer of brown residue to which the salmon skin … Read more
Keep Going
One of the highlights of life in my residence is the annual Christmas party for the children of the staff. Everything is geared for fun and laughter. To see the youngsters enjoying themselves is a great tonic for the residents, all of whom … Read more
The Efforts Business
Sometimes, I find myself thinking that God has no more for me to do, as I am old. Then, I remember that the apostle Paul said that he was old, too, a vulnerable thing to admit. But lately, when people ask how I am, I say, "Elderly", … Read more