How many times have I done weekly laundry in my 60 years of married life? I've lost count. And yet the need still arises for me to continue. It is not hard with the modern convenience of washers and dryers, but the repetitive nature of … Read more
Search Results for: "Hebrews 10:"
A Beautiful Gift
My mother taught me the basic stitches of embroidery when I was young, and I have continued doing this needlework all my life. It is an enjoyable and rewarding hobby, and I glory in the colourful threads and the canvas slowly revealing the … Read more
Going To The Top
My sister-in-law and I are classical music aficionados. For a number of years, we had season tickets to the Oregon Symphony and greatly enjoyed meeting in downtown Portland for each of the concerts in our season's package. This long-time … Read more
His Custom
I once saw a funny cartoon of a man with a placard that said something like "What if Jesus had died on the cross online?" I can't recollect the words exactly, but the point was that people seem to prefer online gathering to physical … Read more
The Sandwich
First came two pieces of freshly baked bread. One slice was spread with a bit of butter, the other with a hint of mayonnaise. Next, thinly sliced turkey was layered, then tomato. Cucumber adorned the tomato. Extra-old white cheese topped … Read more
That Old Lock
I have an old black and silver combination lock, used so often that the black paint on the dial is chipped and worn. My dad used it on his tool box for years, and I used it on my high school and university lockers. Now, I keep it in my gym … Read more
Be Confident In Witness
I read the PresbyCan Daily devotional each morning, and I pray for the PrayerLine requests that are often for Christians in foreign lands who are facing persecution and trouble for practicing their faith. I admit to feelings of guilt at … Read more
Faith Of Our Fathers
Beginning in the early 1800s, the Ottawa Valley in Canada was settled by British and European immigrants, many coming from Scotland. Economic hardship and recession in their homelands led them to endure dangerous sea voyages to Quebec, … Read more
The Scavenger Hunt
The scavenger hunt is a common game played at summer camp or youth events. Each team of players is given a list of items that they must collect and the first team to successfully complete their list wins the prize. A more difficult version … Read more
Just Hang On!
One summer, two young cousins were visiting me and my husband. One adventure that we dreamed up for them was a three-day trail ride in the mountains. None of us had really ridden horses before, but the guide assured us that each of our … Read more
Glorious Hard Times
Pregnant with our last child, I begged my husband to stop sending the Unwed Mother Worker from her job with Children's Aid to visit me whenever she was near the tiny village where we lived temporarily. My husband was her boss, so she had … Read more
An Invitation
This prolonged pandemic has impacted all of us spiritually. In our imposed isolation, some folks have developed a sense of religious independence and now don't see the need of being part of a congregation or denomination anymore. We've … Read more
The Cleansing Pool
Quail scurried through the breeze-toasted grass that carpeted the hillsides dotted with green-leafed oak trees. Today, their three-syllable call didn't sound like "Chic-a-go." Instead, I heard, "Let it go." Looking at the creek, I wished … Read more
The Holy Of Holies
I was typing a message of consolation to a fellow believer on my cell phone and was just about finished, when my two-year-old great-grandson came running in, jumped on my lap, and proceeded to give me a big hug and kiss. What happened … Read more
The Hammer
As I thought about how Jesus died for my sins, I realized that He died for me — His blood is on my hands. I might as well have been there to pound the nails in His hands and feet — the hammer fits my hand! In my mind, I saw a … Read more
The Pine Cone
A lonely pine cone was lying on my driveway. I looked around to see if there were others, but I couldn't see any more, and I wondered where it had come from and how it had got there. As I thought about this solitary pine cone, the song, "I … Read more
High Technology
I always seem to have had a far-flung circle of family, friends, and colleagues. I grew up in Ontario and still have two sisters nearby, but two siblings and both my parents moved to the west coast many years ago. My parents emigrated … Read more
Albert's Example
Albert put me to shame. At the ripe age of 89, he slogged to church every Sunday through deep snows and sub-zero temperatures. We offered him drives multiple times, but he declined each one, saying that he needed his exercise. His … Read more
Where Are You?
As I have said too many times, the church is a pale imitation of what it is supposed to be, and our humanity gets in the way of our Christianity. Again today, I talked to several people who believe in God. I know that they do by the way … Read more
Where Are You?
As I have said too many times, the church is a pale imitation of what it is supposed to be, and our humanity gets in the way of our Christianity. Again today, I talked to several people who believe in God. I know that they do by the way … Read more
Eight Tiny Reindeer
At Christmastime we read and hear poems, stories, and songs about reindeer. There are those eight tiny reindeer, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, and the one that ran over Grandma. Once, Harold Kurtz, a missionary in the Presbyterian … Read more
Answering The Call
The temple curtain kept everyone out of the Most Holy Place except one priest once a year. When Jesus paid the price for our sin by dying on the cross, the curtain was torn in two as God's sign that we may now approach His throne without … Read more
Rest In The Lord
As a retiree, I have kept myself busy since my husband's death seven years ago, volunteering in many organizations. At times, the pace of these commitments was hectic, but I soldiered on, afraid not to be occupied and thus alone. My … Read more
Two Turtledoves
When I was a child, one of my favourite Christmas carols was the popular tune, "The Twelve Days of Christmas". Until recently, I did not give much thought to the gifts portrayed in this peculiar song. Some believe it was written in code … Read more
A Therapy Dog On Duty
I have a Shi-Tzu dog named Daisy Mae who is also a therapy dog for St. John's Ambulance. We go into the local nursing home every Thursday and visit with the residents there. She just loves to bring joy to these older folks. They also seem … Read more
Seven Years
The road that I travel to work is going to be widened; this work is scheduled to take seven years. When I heard the time frame, I began to grumble about the inconvenience of it taking so long and being my route to work. I began to do the … Read more