I heard it coming in the distance an hour or so before it arrived in my neighbourhood. At first, it was just a few soft rumbles that gradually increased in volume until finally the storm was right over my house. One thunderclap was so loud … Read more
Search Results for: "Exodus 20:"
The Altar Before Us
A few weeks ago, an article appeared in the newspaper, entitled "Why GenXers Aren't Going Back to Church." You can imagine that there was a wide variety of reasons for people 41-56 years old. Some were busy with work and kids. Others were … Read more
Those Cucumbers
One spring, the neighbours down the street were having a swimming pool built. The tiny village of New Denver, British Columbia, Canada, where we lived, lay nestled on the shores of the deep and clear Slocan Lake, where we could swim any … Read more
Being A Lying Witness
"He hit me!", yelped my 4-year-old daughter after apparently being assaulted by her big brother. If you're a parent, you'll suspect that there's more to this story! You may wonder, as I did, how this sweet little girl had aggravated him … Read more
Only God Almighty Is Holy
Only Almighty God, His Son our Lord Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit, and all that is in heaven are holy. On earth, His people should act in ways that are holy and treat God with reverence and respect. The use of the word "holy" as an … Read more
The Day Of Rest
On a gloriously sunny, cool Sunday in October, I made my way to the Rideau Falls here in Ottawa, the place where the Rideau River tumbles into the Ottawa River, surrounded by parkland and memorial gardens. The week's demands had made my … Read more
Mind Your Language
Many years ago, I worked for a pipeline construction company. We built oil and gas pipelines in many provinces in Canada as well as in several states in the USA. We lived in a house trailer or mobile home, and the office that I worked in … Read more
What Day Is It?
Each month of the year has its own number of days, which is the same every year except leap year. 2020 is a leap year, and so this year, February had 29 days rather than 28. We all have a birthday that occurs on the same day each year, … Read more
What Happened?
One Sunday, my wife and I were driving to a church service some distance from where we live. It was quite early that morning, and there was not much traffic on the road. We met a few cars, and then among them was big rig with a grocery … Read more
What Is Your God?
Over the last several years, I have become increasingly concerned about the explosion of teenage suicides. How do we explain this? According to Timothy Keller in his book, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism, the Danish … Read more
Pocket 9-1-1 Calls
I read in the newspaper that our emergency 9-1-1 call centre is having to deal will a ton of false calls from users of cell phones that have one-button emergency dialing. Some may also be children playing with unattended phones. I can … Read more
The Words Of My Mouth
We watch a fair number of English mystery shows on television, and some of them start out with the warning: "This show contains coarse language and scenes of violence. Viewer discretion is advised." They warn us, so that we are prepared. … Read more
Take Time To Be Holy
Snowflakes drifted slowly down from above, all shapes and sizes. I remembered from a long-ago science class that supposedly no two snowflakes are the same. Since I have not examined all the snowflakes in the past, and I really doubt that I … Read more
Honour Your Father And Mother
On October 10th, the first anniversary of his death, we buried my late husband's ashes at the Cataraqui Cemetery in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Ernie was buried on top of his mother's grave, with the gravestone marker noting "Beloved Son … Read more
The Command
At the age of 65, I am simply amazed at the number of adults who still blame their parents for so many of their own issues. They harbour both real and imagined mistreatment they received at parental hands many years ago. Even though they … Read more
The Holy Name Of Jesus
Recently, while dining out with some friends and acquaintances, one person at our table began a tirade about the food that had been presented that evening, using Christ's name in vain. This has happened on more than one occasion, so I … Read more
The White Rodent
I live in Wiarton, Ontario, Canada, the home of "Wiarton Willie" an albino groundhog. Each February 2nd, they wake the poor creature up so that the mayor can speak "groundhogese" to this critter and find out if there will be an early … Read more
Time Management
7:54 Sunday morning — I have just finished reciting all the things that need to get done this day before 2:30 p.m. when it is time for me to leave for work. As I recited this very long to-do list … Read more
We Gave Our Mother Violets
In 1978, my sister and I returned to England, the land of our birth, on vacation, and visited the church where our parents were married and where we had attended as little children. The church was not damaged during the … Read more
Like Calves And Colts
Bright sunshine flooded the fields as I drove to church. In one, a Holstein calf caught my attention as it gambolled around, testing its legs. Meanwhile, its mother contentedly chewed her cud. In another dandelion-dotted meadow, two … Read more
First Things First
As far back as I can remember, I heard my parents saying, "Robbie, remember — first things first!" Every day, my parents arose first, washed, dressed, and prepared for the day, and then got my sisters and me up — … Read more
Touching Another Life
On Sunday, November 3, 2003, my mother-in-law had her eightieth birthday. We celebrated by having open house. I had many people praying that I would have the strength to be able to get through this and that all would go … Read more
The Year Of Sabbath Preparation
Imagine a negotiation between labour and management. The final touches are being put to the agreement, but there is still a sticking point — and the whole agreement may collapse unless it can be resolved. The issue? Time off. The … Read more
Faithful God
Recently, I learned of the death of my favourite stage and television star, Jerry Orbach, who made the role of Lenny Briscoe infamous on television's Law and Order. Like many of his biggest fans, I mourned his passing and felt … Read more
"Oh, My God"
Most Christians cringe when they hear profanity in the world. "In the good old days", the misuse of God's name seemed to come only from hard-living, tough-looking fellows standing on street corners. Just last week while watching an episode of … Read more
Choosing Our Priorities
Time is an item that I find to be in short supply. I don't seem to have enough time to get everything done. I have moved through life procrastinating — tomorrow, I'll do it — but tomorrow never comes, and … Read more
What Does Our Faith Teach Us?
Not long ago I found myself standing with a family suffering many adverse trials. The whole world seemed to be crashing in around them. The last straw came when I received a phone call and was told of the death … Read more
Walking With God
When we moved, I found a trail near our new home. I often saw people walking on that trail. Some would walk alone, some with friends, and some with their children. Parents usually walk patiently and slowly while holding on … Read more
Follow The Rules
I am a reluctant driver, but recently God has helped me venture out in our car a little more. I play Christian music to encourage me. As I gain confidence, I take the car for longer drives. But sometimes I … Read more
Give It A Rest
Last spring, as I was paying for my plants at the local garden shop, I asked the gardener why my rose bush was so limp and lethargic. After a few questions, she assessed the problem. I had not let my rose bush go dormant over winter. I … Read more