Search Results for: "Exodus 17:"

Is Your Flag Flying High?

Friday, September 15, 2023

For centuries, a special flag called the Royal Standard has represented the king or queen of the United Kingdom. It is flown on one of the royal residences, or on a car, ship, or aircraft when the sovereign is present. When Charles III … Read more

The Many Hands

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Last summer, my daughter and her husband came to a momentous decision. They purchased a business here in our small town, and decided to move in with me. Along with them came my six-month-old granddaughter, their two cats, and two dogs. … Read more

The Split Rock

Friday, May 22, 2015

Several weeks ago, I heard about an interesting archaeological find which fits the description of the rock that God commanded Moses to strike in the wilderness of Horeb. I learned the details on a website known as "Real Discoveries". … Read more

His Banner

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I can't help but notice all the banners flying around on cars for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™. As the matches begin today, the stadiums will be filled with people waving banners in support of their country's team. Coincidentally, … Read more

The Birds

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I love to watch the birds on a windy day, for the wind both challenges and supports them. When they are flying against the wind, sometimes it appears that they are not moving at all but caught, suspended in the air, beating their little … Read more

The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Pastor

Monday, August 16, 2004

Some time ago, the pastor at the church where I was worshipping had resigned after several years of dedicated service, and the church was awaiting the arrival of a new pastor. Of course, both the congregation and the board talked … Read more

Helping One Another

Tuesday, June 20, 2000

For the past three years I have been at a station where I am the only employee of my company present. It is nice sometimes to be alone, because I can do what I want. I work at my own … Read more

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