I met Larry Nihiser when I was seventeen years old, and for me, it was love at first sight. He was a tall, blond young man with a beautiful head of hair that would rival any teen idol at the time. He proposed when I was twenty-one (almost … Read more
Search Results for: "2 Corinthians 11:"
Narrow Road Or Wide Road?
My sister-in-law, Sharon, and I enjoy getting together for a weekly visit over coffee. Sharon has also written several PresbyCan devotionals, and one day over coffee we were discussing one of her recent devotionals entitled *`Watch Where … Read more
Ready For Battle
Millions of Christians wonder if we are now living in the end times. They watch in shock as morale in North America deteriorates. Churches are becoming increasingly marginalized. More and more, theologians and false teachers manipulate and … Read more
Sleepless Nights
Like most pastors, I often wake up in the middle of the night thinking about and worrying over people in the congregation that I serve. I guess that other professionals — doctors, teachers, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and … Read more
One Thing After Another
With a sigh, my wife called to tell me that the garbage disposal unit under our kitchen sink had broken. This was just the beginning. For four years, we've rented our patio townhouse. Not long after moving here, we noticed various types … Read more
Can You Live With It?
My mind was passively ruminating over a besetting annoyance. Suddenly, my meandering thoughts were intercepted by a pointed question: Can you live with it? It occurred to me, *Well, yes, I can live with it. Why not? It's not stopping me … Read more
The Talking Snake
A talking snake story? How can anyone believe that ancient myth about a snake who once talked to Eve, saying, "God knows that when you eat of [the fruit] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil"? … Read more
On Fake Jewellery
Here's a question for ladies (and men, too): What if we were required to dispose of every piece of fake jewellery in our homes and keep only what is solid gold or pure gem? What would remain? Probably very little. But here's the real … Read more
God Moves In A Mysterious Way
Far out in the Pacific Ocean, away to the north of Papua New Guinea's mainland, just before 9:30 a.m. on the beautiful morning of February 26, 2014, six persons, John and Marjo Brownie (Wycliffe Bible Translators), one of their … Read more
It Changed My Life Forever
It is totally understandable that not everyone receives, understands, or accepts a message in exactly the same way. Some of us learn differently or respond differently to what we are taught or the way we are taught, or to what … Read more
The Fireplace
We have a fireplace in our new home that has no chimney. It was put there as a focal point for the room. Other than that, it serves no good purpose. I love a good fire. I find the heat … Read more
Say One Hail Mary
As messages on the backs of vehicles and bumper stickers go, there are thousands covering every topic under the sun — and some beyond it. As they pertain to religion, I've seen "My boss is a Jewish Carpenter", "WWJD" (what … Read more
Choosing Our Priorities
Time is an item that I find to be in short supply. I don't seem to have enough time to get everything done. I have moved through life procrastinating — tomorrow, I'll do it — but tomorrow never comes, and … Read more
As It Happens: A Life Of Suffering (4)
I really don't need to go into the list of life's disasters that befell Paul. We've already heard of the human and natural disasters that tried to overwhelm him and end his journey of faith. It's a long list, those … Read more