"Oh no! What shall we do?" This, I'm convinced, is the epic question of all time. "What shall we do!?" It's not a question that we ask while we can handle things. We ask it when we're stuck. And that's when we're open to unimagined … Read more
Search Results for: "2 Chronicles 7:"
The Window On My World
As I look out of the window on my world this morning, I am reminded, once again, of how much I need to thank our Lord for all of the beauty that He has created, for all of His blessings, and most importantly, for all of His love. I also … Read more
One Prayer
Sometimes, it takes only one prayer to make the difference. When I gave birth to our first child, a nurse cheerily informed my husband — relegated to the waiting room — that he had a little girl. She then went off shift, and he … Read more
Seek My Face
Why do people have to wait until a disaster hits before we turn our hearts and minds to God? During the second week of September for four consecutive years, we were in New York City attending a conference on making videos. With my … Read more
Being Wrong
Today's verse reminds me of advice that I found years ago in a children's book on science. I've forgotten both the title and author's name, but I did preserve this quotation: One of the hardest things for any of us to admit is that we … Read more
Know Your Own Story
Many years ago when we had three young children, our family went to Storybook Gardens in London, Ontario, Canada. It was a lot of fun — until my five-year-old son, Jonathan, disappeared. He had been firmly told to stay close by us, but … Read more