As I looked through some of my favourite recipes online, I came across a recipe that I loved. The name of it is "Cranberry Hootycreeks", a gift-in-a-jar cookie recipe. I … Read more
Search Results for: "1 Timothy 6:"
Just A Little More
We were a young family living on a single income when I was still a stay-at-home mom, and I had fallen into the familiar trap of "just a little more". I convinced myself that if my husband's paycheque were only a hundred dollars more, life … Read more
Gooseneck Loosestrife
This year when I started to work in our rock garden, I decided to take out about half of it that had been taken over by Gooseneck Loosestrife. Doesn't the name tell you that it doesn't know how to play nice? When we moved here ten years … Read more
Focus On Contentment
On a recent trip, I drove from my house in the mountains of Arizona, USA, to a small town about 45 minutes away and considerably higher in altitude. On the way, I noticed a large herd of cattle scattered across a lush meadow, knee deep in … Read more
Looking For The Worthwhile
He was looking for the worthwhile, and his discovery on January 24, 1848, changed the lives of thousands. James W. Marshall was prospecting at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California, USA, when he discovered gold. News of his find spread … Read more
Greed Vs. Gratitude
During the past two years, a water exercise class that I enjoyed was shut down due to the pandemic. Recently, because there were too few certified lifeguards available, its reopening was delayed. Lifeguards are essential to the safe and … Read more
I'm Fine, Thanks!
"How are you?" "I'm fine, thanks!" We've all engaged in this social greeting formula — even with complete strangers. I did last week while hiking along the river. I came across two fishermen standing in the water. On noticing me, one … Read more
Light Seen And Unseen
Are you ever amazed or surprised at what light reveals to your human eye? There is a small glass prism that sits on my kitchen windowsill. Sometimes, when the afternoon sunlight hits the prism just right, the bending of the light … Read more
Hold Everything Loosely
As I walked in the park one morning, I was startled to see a woman bending over a faucet, water streaming off her head. Then, I saw the carrier by her feet with bottles of hair shampoo and rinse peeking out of the top, and I realized that … Read more
The Moral Way To Eat
Recently, I heard the following advice from a scientist explaining digestion: Before eating, pause and take a few moments to be thankful. This allows your brain time to signal your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for … Read more
Blessings In Abundance
This past summer, I went on my first cruise. My daughter's family and I had planned a "last hurrah" sort of family trip before their two busy, active teenagers would soon be heading off to college and unknown parts of the world. One leg … Read more
Oh, To Be Content
I carried them out by the armload — a seemingly endless task. Our move was complete — except for moving our clothes. Although my wife doesn't buy fancy clothes — nor buy them from expensive stores — she loves new outfits — or at … Read more
Be Content
One of the benefits of living in my lovely new residence is the privilege of meeting many people. I discovered that a woman who recently arrived had been a nurse at the hospital in Collingwood, Ontario, during the time that my son was … Read more
What Do You Want?
I listened with delight to my eighteen-month-old granddaughter's attempts to repeat the words with which her brothers and sisters were coaching her. As I saw the pride on her parents' faces, I remembered my own children's first words. I am … Read more
Money: Evil's Root
"Money is the root of all evil." Though my standard of living would be considered rich by third-world standards, by American standards, I've rarely lived a comfortable lifestyle. Making the monthly bills match the monthly income has … Read more
The Trouble With Dents
Dents happen. They happen to our freshly painted walls, our cars, our fine furniture, and other things that we cherish. At least, these are the dents that we notice: dents in the things that matter to us. This past summer, I painted some … Read more
Being Offensive
Faith isn't a game, a pastime, a leisure pursuit, or even an extra-curricular activity. It's not even a lifestyle choice. It's an eternal lifestyle choice, which too many people take for granted and never take seriously. Everybody is big right … Read more
To Whine Or Not
I have an admission. I'm often accosted by a complaining spirit. After all, it seems easier to complain than to look for the good in situations. When a car passes me in a downpour because I'm going too slow, and … Read more
The Needy And The Generous
During the years that we wintered in the desert southwest, I volunteered four days at holiday time as an escort for the Salvation Army. The generosity of the wealthy to those in need was overwhelming. For example, one businessman donated … Read more
Shoes To Go
Our sons, who are now 14 and 17 years old, have always had the habit of grabbing the first pair of shoes that they come upon as they head out the door to take out the garbage. For a number … Read more
Penny Parable
How Anna loved finding coins! She would show me each one and then race off again, zigzagging, pigtails swishing, searching the sidewalk. It was our Saturday morning ritual. We strolled around town, window-shopped, and rested in front of the coffee … Read more
Exercise – Physical and Spiritual
Exercise! Often when we hear that word, we cringe, knowing it is hard work. In the physical realm, I have determined to get into shape and lose weight a few times over the years. Getting started is the hardest … Read more
Rich With Love
At Christmastime, I bought gift cards for my grandchildren. I bought inexpensive notebooks for the boys and scrapbooks for the girls and attached the cards to them. This added weight to the packages so they would not guess what was … Read more
Get A Life
The challenge every day for the follower of Christ is to strike a balance between what he believes, and how he behaves. (Perhaps at this point I should say that when I use the pronoun he, I am including everyone.) … Read more
Being Content
I was recently reading a local sports columnist. He tells the sad story of Corey Hirsch. Corey lost out on a goalie job with the Vancouver Canucks of the National Hockey League. He was demoted to a minor league team, … Read more
Poor But Happy
I witnessed poverty when I was invited to visit a mission field in the Dominican Republic about 10 years ago. This has affected me emotionally and spiritually ever since. Not being able to speak Spanish, my contacts were by smiling … Read more
One day centuries ago, a British lord overheard one of his kitchen servants remark, "If only I had five pounds, I would be perfectly content." He began thinking about this remark, and decided that he would like to see someone … Read more