I remember how, on more than one occasion, my junior high home economics teacher told our class, "A woman spends half her life wondering who she will marry, and the other half wondering what to feed him for dinner." Whether or not the … Read more
Search Results for: "1 Timothy 1:"
Keeping A Clear Conscience
The conscience of a person can become so severely compromised and violated that it is of little use to the Holy Spirit. Sadly, there are too many people, even Christians, in this category. As Paul wrote in today's verse, it is not an … Read more
My Superhero
I smelled rubber as the sedan screeched to a halt. With legs spread, palms stretched wide, and arms waving, my three-year-old son, Matthew, stood in front of the car with an expression of delight. How had he slipped his hand out of mine? I … Read more
The Basket Of Humility
In Nigeria, Africa, the Mbe Bible-translating team was into Luke chapter 2, verse 7. They did not even pause at their Mbe word used for manger. They had always used the word okpang orally and in their partial translations. But now, … Read more
Imperfect Sale Items
Just recently, I received an email from a well-known Christian establishment. The email subject read, "Slightly Imperfect Gift Sale". The items had minor chips or scratches that caused them to fall short of perfection. It got me to … Read more
Love Letters
When I was a child, I loved the sound of mail being pushed through the letterbox and landing whisper-soft on the doormat. I had several pen pals all over the world. I did not know their language, but they all wrote fairly good English. I … Read more
Praying For The Persecuted
Either today or next Sunday, many Christians around the globe will observe the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. This practice not only comforts those who are suffering, but it unites believers worldwide in taking a … Read more
Trash Or Treasure
A gentleman whom I see on a regular basis shared with me that he was quite excited about the possible purchase of a sailboat that he was going to see at the end of his work day. A few days passed until I saw him again. After greetings, … Read more
God's Guidance And Protection
For the past few years, my youngest son and I have helped teach summer Sunday school. As we were leaving church a few weeks ago, we ran into the organizer, and my son offered to help again this year. We briefly discussed what would be … Read more
What Do We Know?
"Take it and use it," they said. "Its motor is just about shot." They had purchased a ride-on lawnmower and were offering me their old electric mower. I had just become a homeowner and was happy to accept it. "We'd … Read more
Tools Of The Trade
I recently spent some time at a fairly common coffee establishment in town. As I sat down to grab a few minutes to read a book, I found my eyes being drawn to a lady who was drawing. She had … Read more
A Gingerbread Christmas
Many children in this world have only a gingerbread Christmas, making gingerbread houses, men, and cookies. We have all heard the childhood fable of the Gingerbread Man, and many of us have read it to our children. One Christmas I … Read more
His Name Is Rohan
Let me tell you a tale about a modern-day Timothy who taught me the meaning of mission one hot Friday. His name is Rohan, and he is a member of the Leonora Presbyterian Church. He is studying electrical engineering and … Read more