I remember the iconic RCA Victor trademark found on old record labels depicting a dog intently listening to "His Master's Voice" coming from the old windup cylinder phonograph. Do you? A dog's rapt attention to his master's voice is an … Read more
Search Results for: "1 Samuel 3:"
Speak, For Your Servant Hears
Recently, as my husband and I drove by a local cancer and blood centre, I glanced at it, and the Holy Spirit softly whispered, "I want you to go there once a week, sit quietly, and pray for the patients." I silently asked the Holy … Read more
Listening With Spiritual Ears
The opening speaker at the health-related seminar that I recently attended, an 80-something-year-old, had an engaging and animated manner of speaking, and the audience was clearly connecting with her. The second speaker, however, though … Read more
We spend much of life communicating with others. To do so usually requires two willing participants. Often, it requires spoken words, as referenced in today's Scripture passage. I am always intrigued by the fact that Jesus frequently … Read more
Accepting God's Will
When it's easy or suits my purposes, I normally don't buck it. But when it goes against my grain and costs me? Well … There have been many occasions when I've struggled to discover God's will. But there have also been times when I knew … Read more
Who's Calling?
How many telephone calls do we receive in a day that have nothing to do with people we know? Often these calls can become annoying, as they either interrupt our field of thought or bring us a long way to … Read more
My Turn
On a Sunday morning recently, our youth pastor's baby daughter was being baptized, and the parents chose to have their two-year-old daughter, Catherine, stand up with them during the baptism. Before the service began, Tammy, Catherine's mother, explained to her … Read more
The Cross On The Shelf
Several years ago, I wrote a cheque to help fund a mission team going to Honduras. When they returned, the team leader, Joe, presented me with a small wooden cross from Honduras as a thank-you for the donation. I placed … Read more
Raising kids taught me that we reach more, and more are reached, with dialogue and interaction, where both, or all, parties participate; as opposed to when we preach, using only monologue… usually mine. At first it's kind of neat to … Read more