As I was putting the vacuum cleaner away, I noticed that the retractable cord was not retracting as it should. It went only so far and then came to a halt, leaving several feet of cord still lying on the floor. I gave it a little jerk and … Read more
Search Results for: "1 Corinthians 7:"
I have an acquaintance who wakes up each and every day of her life with the absolute conviction that life is just awful and will never get any better. While trying to find help for her to cope with this anxiety, I found that this … Read more
Meet Our Dinner Guests
Today, I'd like you to meet Chippy and Red, our regular dinner guests this summer. Chippy is a chipmunk; Red is a red squirrel. They live in our backyard and join our evening meals on the deck. It didn't start smoothly, however. Red kept … Read more
A Very High Price
When my daughter and her husband picked up their kitten from the animal shelter, they were informed that the two-week-old foundling would likely die soon. Undeterred by these foreboding words, they lovingly named their black and white … Read more
Social Media
People have always had a need to communicate with each other. Various ways of communicating have been used, such as smoke signals, carrier pigeons, post, pony express, telegraph, telephone, radio, and television. In the late twentieth … Read more
It Just Comes
Recently, I have been sharing my devotional writings with the people at work. I have had people ask me, "How you do it?" "Where do the ideas come from?" "How long does it take to write one?" "Can you write one about this or about that?" or … Read more
Free Indeed!
"We're emancipated; we're liberated; we're in control, don't worry." These confident utterances are arising from young adolescent girls trying to console worried adults, according to a Maclean's magazine article, "Outraged Moms, Trashy Daughters" (August 16, 2010). The article expresses a … Read more