At some point, it is likely that we have all heard this sentence: "My conscience is clear." We may have even said it ourselves. While we need to have a clear conscience, the sensitivity and integrity of individual consciences are very … Read more
Search Results for: "1 Corinthians 4:"
Our Two Power Sources
Through my years, I've acquired surprising spiritual lessons through mundane events. Here, I'll share how a simple episode yesterday drew my attention to two power sources influencing Christian life. I had placed a frozen pizza in the … Read more
A Sun And A Shield?
It was a bright, sunny day at the beach, a perfect day to relax and read. Yet the glare of the sun was so intense that my sunglasses weren't enough to block its powerful rays. As I shielded my eyes, today's verse came to mind: "The Lord … Read more
Give Your Best
It was just a few days before Christmas. "We need to go and buy a turkey," one said to the other. "I thought I saw a turkey in our freezer," said the other. Sure enough, deep down in the freezer, there was a turkey. And it had a date on … Read more
Last year, I had emergency surgery and nearly died. For a week after I was released from the hospital, had it not been for the kindness of my son-in-law's sister, I would not have had a place to go. My landlord had just sold his house when … Read more
A Clear Conscience?
I find today's highlighted verse to be very insightful, especially when I try to justify things that I have done which are questionable. I convince myself that what I'm thinking or doing is right, so, therefore, God will understand, … Read more
Remember My Chains
Some years ago, I purchased a "martyr's cross" to remind myself and others about the price that many have paid for their faithfulness in following Jesus. The symbols depicted are striking: they include a spike, an ichthus (fish symbol) … Read more
Clowning Around
Every year during the months of December and January, the circus used to put on their winter performances in my hometown of Glasgow, Scotland. It was a great treat, and although our family could not afford it every year, we usually went … Read more
What's In A Compliment?
Throughout my 45 years of teaching, I have found that positive feedback, or an earned compliment, usually brought a positive response: a bright smile, a happy "Thank You!" and even tears! Whenever a student, no matter how young or old, … Read more
Battle For Souls
The other night, I was watching a documentary called "Battle for Souls" on the Discovery channel. It was all about the growth of Christianity in Africa, especially Nigeria. The program focused on some of the tensions between Christian and Islamic … Read more
Being A Good Caretaker
Some years back, the caretaker for our church went away on a vacation for several weeks, and we as a family volunteered to take over the duties. We didn't realize what the job entailed. I thought that we would just … Read more
Be Faithful
"What's the use?" This was the question I was tempted to ask after a family move. Seeing as I was far away from our former home and church family, it would have been so easy to stay in my warm … Read more
Becoming A Pattern
I used to wonder at Paul's audacity. He said "I exhort you therefore, be imitators of me." (1 Corinthians 4:16 NASB) Imitators of me? Who did he think he was? Then I read today's scripture verse — I am the … Read more
The Ceiling Fan
The ceiling fan in our sunroom is on constantly during the summer months. One day I stopped it, only to observe the dirt that collected on the outside edges. It was almost embarrassing to think that this fan had collected … Read more
Differences Of Opinion
A few minutes ago I received an e-mail message from one of our sons in which he exulted about finally getting a 50-cc Honda dirt bike dating back to the early 1970's. The background, he went on to say, was … Read more